2 1 Final Project Milestone One Moore



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May 16, 2024





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2-1: Final Project Milestone One Candace Moore Souther New Hampshire University HIM 422-T3535 Professor George Fisher, MBA January 21 st , 2024
Milestone One: Problem Solving 2 I. Summary of the problem. Laws are updated continuously within healthcare to protect the organization of a potential breach. Now, these threats could be accidental or intentional to access personal healthcare information (PHI). The laws that protect against these potential breaches include the Health Insurance Portability Act (HIPAA); which requires implementing security safeguards to protect electronic health information. I have been placed in the role of the Health Information Manager at ABC Hospital, who employs 15 people, 7 of whom are remotely working scattered throughout the region. It has come to my attention that there has been a data breach. Protected Health Information (PHI) was accessed by a coder who investigated their neighbor that had a recent stay at the local hospital involving complications from HIV. This information had been trickled down throughout the neighborhood, which finally got back to the patient and filed a complaint. The Hospitals Legal department took over the complaint and filed a report. The employee was terminated immediately. Termination cannot be the worst that could happen when certain HIPAA rules are violated by employees. In an article from HIPAA Journal, it mentions that “Criminal violations of HIPAA Rules can result in financial penalties and jail time for healthcare employees. A fine up to $50,000 and one year in jail is possible when PHI is knowingly obtained and impermissibly disclosed” ( Alder, 2024). At a lower scale, HIPAA violations could consist of a verbal or written warning and additional training. B. Investigation of Breach To assess the complexity of a breach to develop a structured plan, the breach investigation should be a priority to clarify the scenario in question. To have this framework of a structured plan we require information governance (IG) to avoid any data breaches. In an article
Milestone One: Problem Solving 3 from Cyber defense Magazine, it mentions that it could take years to rebuild documents if there was a breach from a hacker gaining access to company files including financial information or personal details which many time will ruin an entire organization (Team, 2022). This is why it is essential to stay ahead of the ball in keeping patient healthcare information secure. C. Consequences There can be short-term and long-term consequences that can occur against the organization. The short-term consequences are ending the employee in question, showing the patient and other employees that there will be retaliation if a law is broken. The long-term consequences are that the organization can potentially have a negative impact on other patients who go to this Hospital, essentially giving the location and all who is employed there; a “bad name”. Which can persuade the stakeholder’s opinions on staying with this company or moving to another organization. II. Key Stakeholders A. Internal and External Stakeholder’s The internal stakeholders include owners, investors, board of directors, managers, and employees. These are important individuals interested in the success of our business. External stakeholders include customers, local community, creditors, suppliers, and government entities. In an article from Mad Devs Group it mentions that external stakeholders are individuals or groups outside an organization who are a personal stake in the company's success. Internal stakeholders have more direct control while external stakeholders have indirect control (Zaichenko,2022).
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