Updated_BSBPEF502 Batnairamdal



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BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence Page 1 o f 31 Final results record Student name: Batnairamdal Assessor name: Date Final assessment results Task Type Result Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit Assessment Task 1 Project Portfolio S U DNS Overall unit results C NYC Feedback My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me. I would like to appeal this assessment decision. Student signature: Batnairamdal Date: I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures. Assessor signature: Date:
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence Page 2 of 31 BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence Student Assessment task 1 Assessment for this unit BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop and use emotional intelligence to increase self-awareness, self- management, social awareness and relationship management in the workplace. For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks: Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly. Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project portfolio. Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions Information for students Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you: comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide answer all questions completely and correctly submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced submit a completed cover sheet with your work do not share your answers with other students.
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence Page 3 of 31 Questions Provide answers to all of the questions below: 1. Explain emotional intelligence and the importance of this characteristic at work. Emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware of, understand, and manage emotions. This includes the ability to regulate one's own emotions, as well as the ability to understand and respond to the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is an important skill in many aspects of life, including personal relationships, work, and learning. a. Emotional intelligence can help you better understand and control your own emotions. b. Emotional intelligence can help you better understand and respond to the emotions of others. c. Emotional intelligence can help you better manage stress and stay resilient in the face of adversity. d. Emotional intelligence can help you better relate to others and build strong, productive relationships. e. Emotional intelligence can help you better communicate with others and influence their behaviour 2. Explain each of the five essential principles of emotional intelligence as defined by Daniel Goleman. 1. Self- awareness: To understand and recognise personal mood and emotions and drives as well as their effect on others. It is very essential to understand about ourselves and others for work. Hallmarks of self – awareness includes self-confidence, realistic self-assessment and a self – deprecating sense of humour. 2. Self-regulation: The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods, and the propensity to suspend judgment and to think before acting. Hallmarks include trustworthiness and integrity; comfort with ambiguity; and openness to change. 3. Internal motivation: A passion to work for internal reasons that go beyond money and status -which are external rewards, - such as an inner vision of what is important in life, a joy in doing something, curiosity in learning, a flow that comes with being immersed in an activity. A propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence. Hallmarks include a strong drive to achieve, optimism even in the face of failure, and organizational commitment. 4. Empathy: The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people. A skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions. Hallmarks include expertise in building and retaining talent, crosscultural sensitivity, and service to clients and customers. 5. Social Skills: Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks, and an ability to find common ground and build rapport. Hallmarks of social skills include effectiveness in leading change, persuasiveness, and expertise building and leading teams.
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence Page 4 of 31 3. Explain the key principles of the Emotional Intelligence Theory developed by Caruso and Salovey (2004). According to Caruso and Salovey (2004), emotional intelligence begins with these six principles: Emotion is information. Our emotions are reactions, with these reactions we can get information. We can try to ignore emotion, but it doesn’t work. It is human behaviour we cannot hide our emotions, so emotions affect our work directly or indirectly. We can try to hide emotions, but we are not as good at it as we think. As earlier explained, we cannot hide our emotions. Decisions must incorporate emotion to be effective. Effective interpersonal and management skills require integration of pertinent information and associated emotions. Successful decision making is not comprised of avoiding conflict and making everyone happy all the time. Emotions are not logical: emotions are not same they are changed at time and situation. Universal exists but so do specific: Every person have emotions in whole universe but the ways to express is different in different country, religion, workplace. 4. Explain three strategies that can be used to build emotional intelligence. One strategy that can be used to build emotional intelligence is to take some time each day to reflect on your emotions and what may have caused them. This can help you to become more aware of your triggers and how to manage them in the future. Another strategy is to practice active listening when communicating with others. This involves really paying attention to what the other person is saying and trying to understand their perspective. Finally, it can be helpful to learn some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. This can help you to better manage your stress levels and become more in tune with your emotions. 5. Explain how a manager with high emotional intelligence can assist in achieving business objectives. Provide an example to illustrate your answer. A manager with high emotional intelligence can utilise other abilities to achieve goal. Manager know how to be done work from others. Appoint right person at right job and behaviour of manager with their co-workers is also essential. For example, Alex is manager of Bank with high emotional intelligence. His ability to understand other is good and his behaviour with other workers and customers is friendly. So, with high emotional behaviour results increase number of customers and better performance of other workers. 6. Explain the importance of recognising cultural differences in emotional intelligence. Provide two examples example to illustrate your answer. One of the key components of emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware of and understand cultural differences. This is important because it can help you to better communicate and connect with people from other cultures. It can also help you to avoid misunderstandings and conflict. For example, in some cultures it is considered very important to maintain eye contact when talking to someone. In other cultures, however, averting your gaze can be seen as a sign of respect. If you are not aware of this difference, you might mistakenly interpret someone averting their gaze as being rude or uninterested. Similarly, in some cultures it is common to express emotions very openly, while in others emotions are more typically suppressed. Again, if you are not aware of this difference it can
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence Page 5 of 31 lead to misunderstandings. For example, you might think someone from a culture that suppresses emotions is cold and unfriendly when they are actually just being respectful. 7. Explain two ways of communicating effectively with a diverse workforce with varying emotional responses. a. Be aware of and sensitive to individual differences in communication styles and needs. Some people communicate better verbally, while others communicate better through nonverbal cues. It is important to be aware of and sensitive to these individual differences in communication styles in order to effectively communicate with a diverse workforce. People also have different emotional responses to communication. Some people may feel more comfortable talking about their feelings, while others may prefer to keep their emotions to themselves. It is important to be aware of and sensitive to these individual differences in communication needs in order to effectively communicate with a diverse workforce. b. Use clear and concise communication that is free of jargon and ambiguity. It is important to communicate effectively with a diverse workforce in order to maintain a cohesive work environment and to ensure that everyone is on the same page. One way to do this is to use clear and concise communication that is free of jargon and ambiguity. This will help to ensure that everyone understands what is being said and that there is no confusion. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the different emotional responses that people may have to certain topics, and to adjust your communication accordingly. 8. Explain two ways of using emotional intelligence to build and manage effective workplace relationships. a. Be aware of your own emotions and how they affect your interactions with others. If you are aware of your own emotions, you can better manage interactions with others, since you will be able to understand how your emotions might be affecting the way you communicate. This self- awareness can help you to build more effective workplace relationships since you will be able to manage your emotions in a way that leads to more productive interactions. b. Be attuned to the emotions of others and use that information to guide your interactions. When you are attuned to the emotions of others, you are able to pick up on social cues and understand how people are feeling. This allows you to interact with others in a way that is respectful and considerate of their feelings. By doing this, you are able to build strong, healthy workplace relationships.
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence Page 6 of 31 Assessment Task 1: Checklist Student’s name: Batnairamdal Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following? Completed successfully? Comments Yes No Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Task outcome: Satisfactory Not satisfactory Assessor signature: Assessor name: Date:
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