Lauren Unit 3 VCE PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIT 3 Lauren Pearson 215135924



Deakin University *

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May 17, 2024





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Contents Table of Contents Contents ................................................................................................................. 2 Overview ................................................................................................................ 3 Rationale ................................................................................................................ 3 Context ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Prior Learning ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Facilities ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Assessment ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 VCAA Key knowledge and Key skills ........................................................................ 5 Key Knowledge ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Key Skills ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Aos1-How are movement skills Improved? .......................................................................................... 5 Aos2-How does the body produce energy? ........................................................................................... 6 Suggested timeline .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Teaching and Learning Sequence ............................................................................ 8 Lesson Plans .......................................................................................................... 27 Classroom based lesson .............................................................................................................................. 27 Practical Lesson ............................................................................................................................................. 31 Example SAC with Suggested answers ................................................................... 35 Performance Descriptors ....................................................................................... 40 References ............................................................................................................ 41 Appendices ........................................................................................................... 43 Appendix 1 Lesson 32 Practical Worksheet (Adapted from Nelson Physical Education pg. 112) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Overview This document has been designed for VCE Physical Education for the 2018 -2021 study design. It contains information on unit 3 with a skeleton plan covering all key knowledge and key skills throughout this unit. Within this document a sample timeline and course outline are used as a guide for teachers and students as well as two lesson plans for one theory and one practical class. VCE Physical Education is designed to merge practical and theoretical experiences to further understanding of key components relating to movement including anatomy, biomechanics, skill acquisition, physiological changes as a result of exercise and influences on physical activity Unit 3 is titled ‘Movement Skills and Energy for Physical Activity’. Area of Study 1 focus on skill acquisition and biomechanical principals and Area of Study 2 has a key focus on energy for physical activity, fatigue and recovery. Rationale Context Unit 3 comprises of coaching principles, biomechanics, energy systems, recovery and acute responses to physical activity (VCAA 2017). Students will experience a range of different learning activities and use different programs to breakdown movement skills. Practical activities are a major feature of this unit. All activities have been designed in accordance with the VCAA study design Prior Learning Students do not need prior knowledge from units one and two to complete unit 3. Students will complete practical activities to enhance their learning in every class. The first two weeks of this unit are designed for a ‘head start’ structure for the final weeks of year 11. Students will be expected to complete a small amount of Holiday homework before the commencement of term 1.
Facilities This unit of work is suitable for any Victorian school. It is assumed that the school has basic gym or outdoor facilities for practical activities and students will have access to a laptop and a heart rate monitor in the form of a mobile phone app. Assessment VCAA (2017) prescribe 3 SACs in Unit 3. In this unit the first SAC has been broken down into two SACs worth 25% each, both in the style of structured questions. Outcome 2 also includes two SACs, a case study and a laboratory report using data collected in practical classes. Figure: Visual representation of Unit 3 SACS (adapted from VCAA 2017) Unit 3 Unit 3 AOS1 Outcome 1 AOS1 Outcome 1 SAC (25) Structured Questions SAC (25) Structured Questions SAC (25) Structured Questions SAC (25) Structured Questions AOS 2 Outcome 2 AOS 2 Outcome 2 SAC (25) Labratory report SAC (25) Labratory report SAC (25) Case Study SAC (25) Case Study
VCAA Key knowledge and Key skills (Adapted from VCAA 2017) Key Knowledge Key Skills Aos1-How are movement skills Improved? Classification of movement skills including fundamental movement skills, sport specific skills, open and closed skills, gross and fine skills, and discrete, serial and continuous motor skills Influences on movement including individual, task and environmental constraints on motor skill development The link between motor skill development and participation and performance Qualitative movement analysis principles (preparation, observation, evaluation and error correction) Biomechanical principles for analysis of human movement including: - Angular and linear kinematic concepts of human movement: distance, displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration and projectile motion (height angle and speed of release) - Angular and linear kinetic concepts of human movement:Newtons three laws of motion, inertia, mass, force, momentum and impulse - Equilibrium and human movement: levers (force, axis, resistance and the mechanical advantage of anatomical levers), Analyse and classify movement skills Analyse individual, task and environmental factors influencing movement skill development Analyse the link between motor skill development, participation and performance. Perform a qualitative analysis of a movement skill using video and systematic observation to analyze and improve a variety of movement skills Analyze, interpret and apply graphical, visual and physical representations of biomechanical principles to improve movement skills in a coaching context Explain and apply theories of learning to practical coaching situations Explain and apply sociocultural factors that influence movement skill development at different stages of learning Discuss how skill classification affects the selection of appropriate practice strategies Practice in, observe and record the characteristics of
stability and balance (Centre of gravity, base of support and line of gravity). Direct and constraints based approaches to coaching and instruction Sociocultural factors that have an effect on skill development, and the characteristics of the three stages of learning (cognitive, associative, autonomous) Practice strategies to improve movement skills including amount, distribution (massed and distributed) and variability (blocked and random) Feedback including type (intrinsic, augmented, knowledge of results and knowledge of performance) and frequency different types of practice strategies Perform, observe, analyze, and report on the role of feedback in improving performance through practical based activities Aos2-How does the body produce energy? Fuels (both chemical and food) required for resynthesis of ATP at rest and during physical activity, including the relative contribution of fuels at varying exercise intensities characteristics of the three energy systems (ATP–CP, anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic system) for physical activity, including rate of ATP production, the yield of each energy system, fatigue/limiting factors and recovery rates associated with active and passive recoveries Interplay of energy systems in relation to intensity, duration and type of activity Oxygen uptake at rest, and during exercise and recovery including steady state, and excess post oxygen consumption Participate in a variety of physical activities and describe, using appropriate terminology, the interplay and relative contribution of energy systems Perform, observe, analyse and report on laboratory exercises designed to explore the relationship between the energy systems and recovery Explain the changes in oxygen demand and supply at rest, and during submaximal and maximal activity Participate in physical activities to collect and analyse data on the range of acute effects that physical activity has on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems of the body Explain fatiguing factors associated with the use of
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