MGT-325 Communicating a New Policy Stear



Grand Canyon University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 15, 2024





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Subject: New Policy Change Dear Valued Employees, We wanted to let you all know, before you hear it from someone else, of an important policy change coming this new fiscal year, that will enhance productivity for all. As of March 1, 2023, we will be implementing a primarily in office, work schedule, for all employees. As of March 1 st , our team will no longer be allowed to work from home the entire work week. We will, however, have the option to work from home one day per week, excluding Mondays or Fridays, provided no meetings or in-person presentations are scheduled Tues, Wed, or Thursday, that cannot be accomplished through video conferencing. We know this change may be difficult for some. Therefore, we wanted to let you know now, ahead of time, so that you can be thinking about which home day will work best for you and your family, should you choose that option. We realize that some of you may choose to leave our employment altogether based on this policy change. If this is the case for you, please immediately contact HR directly, to discuss your decision. This is a company-wide change. Unfortunately, absolutely no exceptions to this policy change, will be allowed. It certainly has been a difficult past few years, and we’ve all had to be flexible! Hopefully this will be the last change necessary due to covid, and the end of our pandemic challenges! To thank you all for your flexibility, we will be providing a continental breakfast and coffee each morning, for all employees! I mean, who doesn’t love a good breakfast? We’re so excited to see everyone’s faces in person again, in the coming months! We know these times of change can be tough, but we also know we will all work together, and make this a great work environment! Blessings, Colleen Stear
Subject: Regarding the New Policy Change Email Dear Midlevel Managers, As you know, an email went out today to all employees about the new policy that will be implemented as of March 1, 2023. We encourage you as managers to assist us in getting everyone excited and on board with this policy change, to the best of your ability! Undoubtedly, this change will create some unhappy employees. To minimize the number of disgruntled employees we want to give you all some guidance in this regard. We are relying on you as managers to help implement the new policy. This includes being the first line of defense in answering any questions your employees may have. If you find there is a question you cannot answer, please first document the question, for our future discussion as midlevel managers, and then feel free to direct your employee to either correspond directly with HR, or if necessary, you may even encourage a visit to, HR, for further clarification of their question or concern. Thank you for being a rockstar team! Knowing that we can count on you to do your best to keep everyone happy in this challenging time, certainly helps us have success in all our departments. Have a blessed day and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Colleen Stear
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