Assignment ^N10



CUNY Queens College *

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May 16, 2024





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The following points should help you form a comprehensive message for the development team: The development team will be more effective if members have some idea about how groups and teams typically operate. Review the dominant perspectives on team formation and performance from the chapters in the text for the committee so it can know what to expect. Many teams in the past, although having devoted members and being highly motivated, inspired, skilled, and capable, were unable to complete the task for which they had been assembled. Without a clear blueprint created especially for the team, performance will suffer and there will be a lack of execution, which makes the team ineffective. A clear objective should be set forth first and foremost, and everyone involved should be dedicated to achieving it. This does not appear to be an issue in this instance because everyone is aware that the students and their performance in the classroom come first. The next most crucial factor is having a powerful leader. The team needs a leader who will consistently keep them focused on the intended outcome. They ought to be able to inspire and lead workers, settle disputes when they arise, and offer insightful advice on how to resolve problems. The team's leader is also in charge of giving
each team member a task that they are confident they can do from among the organization's many tasks. In numerous productive and efficient teams that have been researched, there are two similar traits. These teams are typically small, which is the first characteristic because no resources are being squandered, and the team becomes more effective. There is an imbalance in the quantity of work each team member does when the team size is too large. There may be issues since some team members may be working much harder than others. Additionally, there is less time for everyone to talk, which might be confusing. The optimal setup for success is a tight-knit team with a small number of members, each of whom has a specific job to do. The constancy of the required input from each team member is the second trait shared by effective teams. This can reduce the amount of time needed to coordinate once a project's steps are finished. The group should already be aware of what to do once each member has finished their current assignment. A successful team must also have recognition programs for accomplishments. Recognizing and rewarding team members who do tasks extremely effectively is important. This encourages other team members to be more devoted to their tasks and generates positive morale. Individual team members comprise the team as a collective entity, an entity that also serves as the social context that influences individual members, members of the team must motivate one another. A team is only as strong as its weakest member, above everything else. When working together, everyone should try to assist anyone who is having trouble rather than criticize them. As a result, they might become valuable and devoted team members (Kozlowski & Ilgen, 2018).
Given the profiles of candidates for the development team, provide suggestions for who would likely be a good group member and who might be less effective in this situation. Be sure you are using the research on groups and teams in the text to defend your choices. Each candidate's profile provided information about their potential contribution to the team. A team should never be about a single person. The team's objective is to improve student performance in the failing educational system. I think that Ari Kaufman, a second-year teacher, Candice Sharp, an NCPIE representative, and Meredith Watson, a Woodson Foundation representative, would make strong candidates for the development team after reviewing the candidate biographies. Since Ari Kaufman is a teacher, he has the greatest experience interacting with the pupils of the candidates. He is on the front lines and is aware of how upsetting subpar student performance can be. He thinks there needs to be a significant shift, starting with greater involvement from outside parties like the students' parents. Ari is a teacher, so his membership on the development team might reduce the turnover of teachers. The teachers will observe that they have someone who has been in their position and is adjusting to make things better. Ari makes a solid candidate in my opinion because of his teaching background and his suggestions for the necessary reforms. Even in trying times, Candice Sharp maintains an optimistic outlook and is sympathetic to the work being done by the schools. She thinks that although parents promise to be involved, they don't do it. Candice is aware that everyone has a role to play and wants her NCPIE colleagues to take the initiative and show the way so that the parents may witness their effort and get involved. The school system has employed Meredith Watson, a former teacher. Her frequent interactions with students in the classroom, like Ari's, provide her with a vital perspective. She is familiar with their cognitive processes and what works and doesn't in the classroom. Meredith is
aware that while parents want to participate, they need assistance. These candidates would be the finest additions to the development team due to their expertise, clarity of vision, and understanding of the conditions necessary to bring about change. Duane Hardy, Mason Dupree, and Victoria Adams are the contenders who would be least useful to this team. Mason has a fundamental prejudice that the schools are just involved in this for financial gain. He and the school district would engage in perpetual conflict if he were on the squad. It is ideal if he is not taken into consideration as a candidate because this would result in too many issues. The district's principal is Victoria Adams. She does not respect parental involvement and thinks that schools should have more control over decision-making. She has a bias in favor of the schools rather than putting the students' needs first, so I don't think she would be a good candidate. A principal in the region for more than 15 years, Duane Hardy. Like Victoria, he has a strong bias in favor of the schools and thinks that since they deal with the children daily, schools should have the authority to make judgments. As a result, he wouldn't be a useful team player (Robbins & Judge, 2019). Using principles from the chapters on groups and teams, describe how you will advise the team to manage conflict effectively. No matter how well-organized a team is, issues and disagreements will still arise. These can result from discrepancies in performance, underlying problems, or having to collaborate with various people. Conflict and discomfort can result from diversity. This typically occurs as a new team is forming. Promoting open communication, in my opinion, is the best method to avoid conflict within a team. This conversation ought to take place between the group's leader and all of its members. Everyone's ability to express oneself reduces tension.
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