Antwone Fisher Theory Identification and Analysis



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May 12, 2024





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1 Antwone Fisher: Theory Identification and Analysis Jade Futrell Capella University SWK2208: Intro Human Behavior and Social Environment Dr. Cyndi Hovland January 28 th , 2024
2 Antwone Fisher is a biographical film which is about an African American male who happened to be in the Navy and was forced to be seen by a psychiatrist after an incident happened. He was known to have violent outbursts and he also had a temper. Upon meeting his psychiatrist, he refused to open up about what was bothering him internally, until one day he eventually broke down and opened up about what happened during his childhood. Antwone Fisher is a 25-year-old male who is suffering from violence and has a temper that can quickly go off. Throughout his childhood, he has suffered from abandonment, molestation, verbal abuse, mental abuse, and even physical abuse. He was born in jail which happened to make his mother give him up to the States until her release. However, she never claimed him once she was released from jail. Antwone was placed into a foster home at the age of 2 years old. He was living with the Tate family who had a total of three foster children named Antwone, Dwight, and Keith. Also in the household were Mr. and Mrs. Tate, including a cousin of the family name Nadine. While growing up with the Tates, he has been physically and verbally abusive towards Antwone. She would call him the N-word, she would degrade him, and she made him feel unloved and unwanted. She would tie up Antwone’s hands and make him kneel on the ground so Mrs. Tate would beat him. She would also threaten him with fire as well. Mrs. Tate would get the boys to turn against each other to the point that the boys would eventually hate each other. Mrs. Tate would brag about how Keith was better than the rest of the children because he had a mixed race, had a white father, and had better hair than the rest. At the age of 6, when everyone had to leave the house Nadine and Antwone would be left home. She would psychically abuse Antwone whenever he did not want to do what she asked him to. She would also take him down to the basement so that she could molest him. She would have
3 Antwone touch her inappropriately, she would kiss him with her tongue, and simply make him feel uncomfortable overall. Once Antwone was old enough, he started making money by raking people’s lawns. Mrs. Tate would accuse him of stealing money and that he did not know how to spend money. This happened to cause a fight between the two of them. Because of this incident, he was kicked out of the Tate’s household, and he became homeless for a little while. Mentioned that he was sleeping at a shelter, parks, and even benches. His best friend, Jesse, took him when Antwone came to visit him one day. Antwone had an abandonment issue that bothered him. He was born inside of a jail and was given to the States when he was born until his mother was released from jail. His mother never came back to get him once she was released. He did not have a father since he passed away before he was even born. He had a best friend who happened to pass away due to being killed and he witnessed his best friend’s death as well. Erik Erikson has a theory that explains that psychosocial development of 8 stages that take place in the development of personality. His theory is purely based on psychosocial development than anything else. Eight stages make up Erikson’s Theory:  Stage one: Trust vs. Mistrust and typically the age range for this would be from infancy to 18 months.  Stage two: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt. This can happen anywhere from the ages of toddler stages from around 18 months to three years old.  Stage three: Initiative vs. Guilt can happen from preschoolers' age which would range from three years old to five years old.
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