MFT 6551 Week 10



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May 17, 2024





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Create an Outline for your Signature Assignment Kimberly Goodrich Child and Adolescent Family Therapy: Clinical Application Professor Cassie Hubble January 21, 2024
I. Presentation of the case study including family demographics, dynamics, and a description of the presenting issue (include an ecomap and/or genogram if needed) A. Demographics 1. Luke: 35-year-old Caucasian male, he identifies as gay. He is currently legally married to Tamar though they are currently separated, and he is living with his older brother. He is a chemical engineer that works for a natural gas company and makes an upper middle-class income. Luke does not have a religious affiliation. 2. Tamar: 37-year-old African American male, he identifies as bisexual. He is currently legally married to Luke though they are currently separated, and he is currently living in a two-bedroom apartment. He works as a welder and metal worker, he does not get steady income due to him needing contracts for work, though he annually makes a lower middle-class income. Tamar identifies as Christian though he is not active in a congregation, he comes from a religious background growing up. B. Dynamics 1. Luke’s schedule means that he is usually away for two weeks and home for one, while he is off, he has Fallon for visitation on those days. Tamar has Fallon on the two weeks that Luke is at work, he has been having spotty work contracts and has been having issues financially. They do coparent well, though they do have differing opinions on some parenting situations that have caused animosity.
2. Fallon has been struggling with the separation and going back and forth from the homes for visitation. She thrives off of a set routine and has been higher behavioral outbursts at home, school, and during transitions between the homes. 3. Fallon struggles to make friends at school and has a history of having a hard time in school even before the separation. She tends to have a flat affect and does not show emotions well, it has been noticed that she has a hard time recognizing the emotions of others. She has also been secluding herself when home and spending much of her time in her room, coming out mostly for meals and brief interactions. C. Presenting Issue 1. Difficulty with the separation and coparenting. 2. Fallon’s behaviors have been difficult to manage, especially with the recent uptake due to the change in her home life. II. Assessment procedures in the intake/ initial sessions A. Initial Intake Session 1. Consent Form: All members of the family will be informed of the therapeutic process and giving consent forms, as Fallon is under 18 her parents will have to sign on her behalf, but it is important to ensure she is a part of the process (APA, 2015). 2. Release of Information: Release of information needs to be signed to allow the MFT to be contacted or contacted by outside agencies and
practitioners as necessary (APA, 2015). For example, Fallow may need consent for the MFT to have contact with her school including her school counselor. 3. Background information including demographics, family dynamics, and the presenting problem will be discussed. B. Assessments 1. Fallon: Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) (Novopsych, 2021) or the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) (Finkelman et al., 2021). 2. Luke & Tamar: Child Rearing Disagreements scale, Parting Parent Concern Inventory, and/or Parent Problem Checklist (Molla Cusi et al., 2020). III. Diagnosis (including a description of the diagnosis and supporting information) A. The therapist takes into account assessments, observational data, background information, and medical history to determine a comprehensive diagnosis and plan. B. They will discuss the diagnosis with all three parties, ensuring that they discuss with Fallon at a level of understanding that is appropriate for her. C. Autism Spectrum Disorder, without intellectual impairment, without language impairment- Level 1: Requires some support (Fallon) 1. “Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022).
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