HSE 310 Family Care Plan Template (2)




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May 16, 2024





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HSE 310 Family Care Plan Template Client Name: Riverez Family Human Services Practitioner Name: Suzi Perez Date Problem Statements 02/05/23 Neither Julio nor Quianna graduated high school, so when their eldest son wants to do the same, they struggle with how to approach the situation. 02/05/23 There is no family support, Quianna’s family dislike Julio, and Julio’s family has moved away. 02/05/23 The Riverez family live in a notably violent neighborhood that is plagued with poverty and many people unemployed. Julio has been shot, which led to other issues with his health. Additionally, these issues have led to Quianna to develop emotional issues. 02/05/23 With two jobs, Julio still isn’t making enough money to meet the basic needs of the family. 02/05/23 Julio also has problems with communication due to the language barrier between himself and his family. 02/05/23 As a stay at home mom, Quianna has been dealing with emotional issues and fatigue since the birth of their youngest child. Proposed Interventions What are the least restrictive and intrusive interventions that you recommend for this family? 1. Offer both Julio and Quianna courses so they could get their GED, as well as a class to learn English for Julio. The GED would show their son the importance of an education. Additionally, by Julio learning English it could possibly open up job opportunities for Julio. 2. Family intervention/counseling, to improve the relationship between their family. This would allow each family member to be heard and hear the others in a structured environment. 3. Assist Quianna and Julio in applying for housing, referring to other programs that may offer financial assistance with rent or utility bills. This would possibly remove the family from such a dangerous neighborhood. 4. Offer Julio assistance in seeking other places of employment, if he is interested, connect him with the local job and career center. This would possibly result in a higher paid job for Julio. 5. Refer Quiana for an evaluation to help determine the severity of her mental state of mind. If she is receptive it can result in a drastic change in her state of mind. 6. Suggest some after school activities for the children, perhaps an after school job for their eldest, this would keep him from hanging out with the bad crowd. Proposed Strategies Which systemic family strategies best align with the identified needs and strengths of the family and their level of resilience? 1. If Julio and Quianna are on board about the GED, perhaps they can take alternating classes, so that the children are not home alone. 2. If the family relationships are worked on, perhaps the estranged members will be willing to provide
emotional, or even financial support, 3. Housing, if it is available, the family could possibly be able to move away from the violent neighborhood. 4. By changing jobs, one that pays more, Julio would be able to be more present at home and improve the relationship with his wife and children. 5. To learn English, it would change many things for Julio, improve communication at home, and maybe more pay at work. 6. There are many reasons that Quianna should have an evaluation. Since she appears to be so unhappy, it is possible she may need some medication intervention to help her. Available Resources What resources are available that you would recommend to ameliorate the identified needs of the family? Identify why each resource will assist in meeting the needs of the family. Resource Available In Community? Yes/No Referrals Made? Yes/No Classes for GED YES YES Family/individual counseling, relationship counseling, primary care physician, psychologist/psychiatrist. YES YES Housing Authority, County support services, Community action, LiHEAP. YES YES Job and career center, job fairs. YES YES Local classes through the library, community college for GED YES YES Potential Outcomes What potential outcomes do you expect to be derived from the interventions and resources above? How could the applied interventions and resources alleviate the family’s needs? If the Riverez family are receptive to these suggestions , the quality of life for each member of the family would improve drastically. If both Julio and Quianna get their GEDs it will open more opportunities for them. This would also show their children the importance of having an education. Family counseling and individual counseling would allow each family member to express their feelings and to process the trauma of Julio being shot. By being able to move away from the neighborhood, the family would be surrounded by a healthier and safer environment. Quianna, would find herself in a better mindset, and she would be able to deal with her life much more efficiently. Perhaps she might want to work as well, there are always child care options for her. These are only suggestions, however I feel that all members of the Riverez family will benefit from what is being offered. Overall Assessment (Family) 1. What systemic family analysis instrument(s) did you use to determine what is appropriate for the family? 2. What information did you derive from your assessment of the family? 3. What are the strengths and needs of the family? 4. How did your selected assessment help to frame your approach to working with the family? The ecomap shows the support that this family needs, where they don’t have the support. They have been advised of what their stressors appear to be, and how these suggestions would help in relieving the stressors. Although this family has many challenges, they are still very tight knit. The family’s strengths are they are all still in the home together.
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