Stat Quiz #5



University of Alabama *

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May 4, 2024





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Statistics Quiz #5 Elem Statistical Methods Name: _____________________ Quiz: Assignment #5 (Relationships) For each pair of words below, indicate whether each is an explanatory variable (Independent variable —IV), a response variable (Dependent variable—DV), or neither—N. Then briefly explain why. Examples: Shoe size (IV DV) and hair color (IV DV); or for both, neither—N Hair color and shoe size are unrelated to each other Emotional stability (IV DV) and amount of worrying (IV DV); or for both, neither—N Although ES and worry are certainly related (those who worry more are less emotionally stable; those who are less emotionally stable worry more) there is no way to determine which causes which. Body weight (IV DV) and amount of daily chocolate eaten (IV DV); or for both, neither—N Those who eat more chocolate tend to be heavier 1. Gender (IV DV) and empathy (IV DV); or for both, neither—N Explain : Males and females can both be empathetic. Even though society considers females more empathetic there is no correlation between empathy and gender. 2. Success in Business (IV DV) and intelligence (IV DV); or for both, neither—N Explain : You do not have to be super intelligent to be successful in business. You can be successful in business if you can deal with issues and have a plan. 3. Yearly income (IV DV) and value of the automobile you own (IV DV); or for both, neither—N Explain : To be able to own an expensive and valuable automobile you must make a certain yearly income. The more your income is the more valuable automobile you can own. 4. Number of fat grams consumed (IV DV) and blood cholesterol level (IV DV); or for both, neither —N Explain : The more fat you consume the higher your cholesterol levels are 5. Percent fast-twitch muscle fibers (IV DV) and speed over 100m (IV DV); or for both, neither—N Explain : People with a high percent of fast-twitch muscle fibers are going to run a fast 100m rather than someone that has a higher percent of slow twitch fibers 6. Number of hours practicing (IV DV) and quality of performance in concert (IV DV); or for both, neither—N Explain : The more you practice the better you will be
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