
Oxygen and Electron Transfer

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CONTENTS 1. Introduction Metallobiomolecules 2. Classification Metallobiomolecules 2.1. Transport and of to

Storage Proteins
2.2. Oxygen binding Today scientists try to explore the chemistry basis behind the biological processes. As a result of this, new areas have evolved such as bioinorganic chemistry and bioorganic chemistry. In this section we will talk about an important concept in bioinorganic chemistry called “Metallobiomolecules”.

Metallobiomolecules 2.3. Electron Transfer Proteins 2.3.1. Cytochromes 2.3.2. Iron-Sulphur Proteins 2.4. Zinc Metalloproteins

1.0 Introduction to Metallobiomolecules
As we already know, biomolecules are molecules appear in biological systems to perform a …show more content…

This more solubility of oxygen in blood is due to the



presence of blood pigments. Oxygen can preferentially bind with these pigments; hence solubility of oxygen in blood is very higher than that of water. But in Antarctic fish blood does not contain blood pigments (haemoglobin). This is because of the low Antarctic temperature. Due to the low temperature, oxygen can highly dissolve in water than in tropical countries. That is why Antarctic fish blood does not contain blood pigments. This is an exceptional case. However in the evolutionary history, after they evolve blood with blood pigments as the oxygen transportation medium, they have faced another problem. Blood pigments are large molecules. Presence of large molecules in blood causes the production of high osmotic pressure. To overcome this problem, higher animals have shifted blood pigments into cells. In humans and other vertebrates, these cells are known as red blood cells (RBC). Above is a little description of how animals evolved blood pigments or dioxygen transport and storage metallobiomolecules in the evolutionary history of life. In this chapter we will discuss about three dioxygen transport and storage molecules. 1. Haemoglobin: These are carried in RBC (erythrocytes). Interior of the RBC is field with haemoglobin in the case of vertebrates. Each RBC contain 250 million

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