
The A-Team Case

Decent Essays

The A-Team’s original mission consisted in being the leader tablet-selling company in the Americas for the B2B market segment (SMEs and Enterprises). This mission had to be quickly adjusted to meet an ever-changing sales-market that reflected the evolution of its customer interests and competitive landscape. As a result of competitive pressures from the domestic market, the A-Team shifted its target clientele by from the B2B towards the SMEs and Consumers markets. As a result, a differential pricing strategy was adopted to cater the price-sensibilities of the Consumers market. This initiative proved to be sound, given the healthy revenue incurred from Consumers by year 3 and 4. Conversely, the strategy to serve solely to the American market, proved to be a short-lived one. As the company’s revenue started to decline by year 5 (see image), the inability of the A-Team to be price-competitive became evident. The strategy to focus solely on the American market proved to limit the A-Team’s capability of achieving economies of scales and remain price-competitive. Unfortunately, by the time this deficiency was observed, the A-Team did not have the financial resources or sufficient time to pivot its original strategy and expand geographically. …show more content…

To conclude, the A-Team was able to adapt its initial strategy by redefining its target clientele and secure profitable strategic alliances. Regrettably, the A-Team failed to forecast the effect of a globalized competition and adjust

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