
The House On Mango Street Quote Analysis

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The author wrote this text to show how this character grew to become mature. Esperanza came in as a selfish person. All she thought about was leaving Mango Street and not coming back, but Mango Street is her home. Many people say they're leaving home and never coming back. At the end, they do because there is something that is memorable and valuable at home. Home is where family and friends are. They can't just leave and forget about it. This quote means that Esperanza will do something great and be able to leave Mango Street for good. She always wanted to leave and will. Mango Street was never her cup of tea, but she would still go back there. After all the memories she had there, she has to go back. She's going back for her family, friends, …show more content…

She wanted to get away from Mango Street, yet they tell her that she can't get leave. She will, but Esperanza will find a way back there to help the people who are stuck there. Some of these people who have to live there life in Mango Street for the rest of themselves, so Esperanza will help them out. The author wrote this text to show people can't get rid of who they are and the history of their life. If people had one wish, most would want to go back in time and fix something about the actions they have made. The readers should take away how they are who they are. People always try to wish for something in their life to go away, yet something happens in their life for a reason. They have to embrace that about themselves and be themselves. Esperanza's mother threw everything away because she was embarrassed of her physical appearance. She is a very talented woman who is bilingual, sing, fix a t.v., and more. Now, her mother's job is just to take care of her children. She doesn't want Esperanza to be like her because she was embarrassed of who she is. Esperanza needs a good education, so she doesn't have to be the person her mother is

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