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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 153 John Bartlett

Heaven was not heaven if Phaon, 665.
were not heaven if we knew what it were, 256.
when earth was nigher, 705.
will bless your store, 433.
winds of, visit her face, 128.
wisdom sits alone topmost in, 723.
with all its splendors, 733.
with earth, melting, 653.
Heavens blaze forth the death of princes, 112.
bowed the high, 23.
declare the glory of God, 1011.
givest the, their holiest hue, 751.
hear these tell-tale women, 97.
hung be the, with black, 93.
opened and blazed, all the, 680.
should fall, if ever the, 957.
spangled, a shining frame, 300.
that which we call the, 903.
to gain the, 794.
Heaven’s best treasures, 387.
breath smells wooingly, 117.
chancery, flew up to, 379.
cherubim horsed, 118.
decree, curst by, 398.
ebon vault, 568.
eternal year is thine, 270.
first law, order is, 319.
gate, the lark at, 159.
gates, she claps her wings at, 32.
hand, argue not against, 209.
help is better than early rising, 976.
immortal noon, 566.
last best gift, 235.
lights, godfathers of, 54.
melodious strains, 695.
own light, 496.
pavement, riches of, 225.
Sovereign saves, 308.
sweetest air, 162.
wide pathless way, 250.
Heaven-born band, 465.
Heaven-directed to the poor, 321.
Heaven-eyed creature, 486.
Heaven-kissing hill, 140.
Heavenly air is blent with blue, as, 729.
blessings, 302.
crystal flood, 821.
days that cannot die, 469.
empire of the, 29.
Father may assuage, pray the, 660.
gift of poesy, profaned thy, 270.
habitants, converse with, 245.
harmony, from, 271.
hope is all serene, 535.
host, ye, 278.
jewel, have I caught my, 34.
lays, pure delight by, 477.
maid was young, 390.
music, that, 587.
paradise is that place, 485.
spirits, is there love in, 28.
woods and glades, 817.
Heaven-taught lyre, 377.
Heaviest battalions, 987.
mourning, lightest heart makes, 653.
Heaviest words, all, 790.
Heaviness, spirit of, 1026.
Heavy and red, eyelids, 594.
change, but O the, 247.
Hebrew in the dying light, 623.
Hector still survives, while, 338.
Hecuba to him, what’s, 134.
Hedge a king, divinity doth, 142.
Hedgehog rolled up, lies like a, 593.
Heed for himself, will take no, 470.
take, lest he fall, 1037.
Heeds not he hears not, 623.
Heedless, unwise to be, 901.
Heel, at his, a stone, 405.
despot’s, is on thy shore, 813.
of the courtier, 143.
tread each other’s, 308.
tread upon another’s, 143.
Heels, Cæsar with a senate at his, 319.
detraction at your, 76.
I took to my, 889.
of pleasure, treads upon the, 295.
slippers good to the, 690.
with an income at its, 415.
Height, gray unmeasured, 790.
objects in an airy, 287.
of man, measure of the, 905.
of this great argument, 223.
sunshine dreaming upon Salmon’s, 757.
Heights by great men reached, 643.
look beyond the, 784.
on the, it is warmer, 997.
other, in other lives, 706.
the soul is competent to gain, 480.
Heir of all the ages, 669.
of fame, great, 251.
the world creation’s, 394.
to, shocks that flesh is, 135.
to the first, each second stood, 149.
with all her children wants an, 321.
Heirs of truth and pure delight, 477.
unknown, 321.
Held thy guard, so grimly, 749.
to their faith unseduced, 746.
tu, say nothin’ thet you can be, 737.
Helen, like another, 272.
Helen’s beauty in a brow of Egypt, 59.
Helicon’s harmonious springs, 382.
Helios, Antigonus the son of, 926.
Hell, agreement with, 1026.
all places shall be, 41.
alternate heaven and, 763.
beholding heaven feeling, 526.
better to reign in, 224.
blasts from, 130.
broke loose, all, 234.
characters of, to trace, 383.
contains no fouler fiend, 345.
cunning livery of, 48.
damned use that word in, 108.
day and night and death and, 678.
detests him as the gates of, 338.
fear of, ’s a hangman’s whip, 448.
for hoarding went to, 95.
for horses, England, 192.
for women, Itlay. 192.