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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 24 John Bartlett

Best of womankind, 346.
old friends are, 195.
part of valour, discretion the, 197.
past and to come seems, 89.
portion of a good man’s life, 467.
prayeth best who loveth, 499.
prize that which is, 939.
regulated families, accidents in, 701.
second thoughts are, 277.
state, every man at his, 1012.
stolen sweets are, 297.
they honor thee, 840.
things most difficult, 915.
things must be for the, 780.
things not for the, 886.
to forget, good to forgive, 713.
to swap horses, not, 661.
to trust that all is, 715.
vindication against slander, 660.
who does the, 307.
who loves his native country, 682.
who serves his country, 339.
Best-conditioned and unwearied, 64.
Bestial, what remains is, 152.
Bestowed on camps and courts, wealth, 645.
Bestowing and so good-night, love’s 789.
honour pudding pence, 609.
most princely in, 101.
Bestride the narrow world, 110.
Besy a man, nowher so, 2.
Beteem the winds of heaven, 128.
Bethlehem, O little town of, 791.
Bethumped with words, 78.
Betimes, what is ’t to leave, 145.
Betray, nature never did, 467.
that men, 403.
Betrayed and baffled still, 809.
Betsy and I are out, 825.
Better a bad epitaph, 134.
be damned, 431.
be with the dead, 121.
berry, never made a, 208.
bettered expectation, he hath, 50.
boundless worse, is boundless, 666.
build schoolrooms for the boy, 724.
by their presence, minds made, 730.
day the better deed, 172.
day the worse deed, 282.
days, friend of my, 562.
days, if ever you have looked on, 68.
days, we have seen, 109.
did I say, 114.
elder soldier, not a, 114.
elements, to whom the, 608.
fifty years of Europe, 670.
foot before, 80.
for being a little bad, 50.
friend than old dog Tray, a, 764.
grace, does it with a, 75.
grow wiser and, 858.
had they ne’er been born, 494.
half, my dear my, 34.
heresy of doctrine than of heart, 650.
hopes, the strivings after, 819.
horse, gray mare the, 17.
Better if we better deemed of them, 721.
is a dinner of herbs, 1018.
is half a loaf than no bread, 15.
is it to bow than break, 12.
it were, for the world, 759.
know than all, I, 651.
late than never, 13, 284.
love given unsought is, 76.
made by ill, good are, 455.
much more the, 50.
not to be, were it not, 666.
or for worse, 1042.
part of valour is discretion, 87.
reck the rede, may you, 448.
spared a better man, 87.
strangers, desire we may be, 70.
striving to, 146.
surely ’t is, when summer, 588.
than a principality in Utopia, 604.
than all the ballads, ye are, 647.
than all the heads, good heart, 632.
than downright bad, 886.
than false knaves, 53.
than he knew, builded, 614.
than his dog, something, 669.
than nothing, little is, 896.
than one of the wicked, 83.
than their theology, men are, 618.
than those that are, were, 698.
than wilderness of fools, 747.
than you should be, 197.
the instruction, 63.
the worse appear the, 226.
things than words are, deeds are, 645.
thou shouldest not vow, 1022.
to be lowly born, 98.
to be much abused, 154.
to be vile than vile esteemed, 163.
to dwell in a corner, 1019.
to give than to take, 11.
to have loved and lost, 674.
to hunt in fields, 270.
to love amiss, 444.
to love in the lowliest cot, 750.
to reign in hell, 224.
to sink beneath the shock, 549.
to wear out than to rust, 1045.
trust all and be deceived, 686.
world, another and a, 991.
world than this, 66.
Bettered by the borrower, 253.
expectation, 50.
Bettering of my mind, 42.
Between a sleep and a sleep, 805.
conflicting vague probabilities, 663.
rushes, the one and the other, 631.
the cradle and the grave, 358.
the nightfall and the light, 805.
the poles, that wheel, 682.
the sundown and the sun, 805.
things ended and things begun, 745.
this time and that sweet time, 686.
two stools, 1000.
Betwixt my lord the king and me, 719.
us twain, no passages of love, 679.
Bevy of fair women, 240.