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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 240 John Bartlett

Nuther, he could n’t ha’ told ye, 736.
Nutmeg-graters, rough as, 313.
Nutmegs and cloves, 869.
Nutrition, to draw, 317.
Nuts by hard buffoonery, earn his, 729.
Nymph, a wanton ambling, 95.
haste thee, 248.
in thy orisons, 136.
lake-lily is an urn some, 704.
mountain, sweet liberty, 248.
Naiad or a Grace, 490.
Nympha pudica Deum vidit, 258.
Nympholepsy of fond despair, 546.
O me no O’s, 1054.
welcome, 790.
Oak, bend a knotted, 294.
brave old, the, 652.
for angling rod a sturdy, 217.
from a small acorn grows, 459.
hardest-timbered, 94.
hearts of, are our ships, 388.
hollow, our palace is, 537.
little strokes fell great, 360.
many strokes overthrow the tallest, 32.
nodosities of the, 412.
raven on yon left-hand, 349.
shadow of the British, 410.
ships were British, 388.
Oaks, branch-charmed, 575.
from little acorns, tall, 459.
Oaken bucket, the old, 537.
Oar, drip of the suspended, 543.
in every man’s boat, 975.
soft moves the dipping, 862.
spread the thin, 318.
Oars alone can ne’er prevail, 416.
keep time and voices tune, 518.
low stir of leaves and dip of, 651.
were silver, the, 157.
with falling, 262.
Oat-cakes and sulphur, the land of, 459.
Oath, corporal, 974.
good mouth-filling, 86.
hard a keeping, sworn too, 54.
he never made, to break an, 214.
he that imposes an, 214.
honour of more weight than an, 943.
no, too binding for a lover, 883.
not the, makes us believe, 882.
spirit flew up with the, 379.
trust no man on his, 109.
Oaths, false as dicers’, 140.
soldier full of strange, 69.
Oatmeal, literature on a little, 460.
Oats food for horses, 187.
Obadias David Josias, 872.
Obdured breast, arm the, 228.
Obedience bane of all genius, 567.
supreme powers keep men in, 193.
to God, 1051.
Obedient to the law, 783.
Obey gold that sway we all, 652.
the important call, 421.
thy cherished secret wish, now, 745.
Obey, till we can and do, 760.
to love cherish and to, 1043.
troops of friends, 124.
whom three realms, 326.
Obeys him, though she bends him she, 645.
Object all sublime, 802.
be our country, let our, 530.
can there be a more horrible, 585.
failure in a great, 577.
in possession, 934.
passion or the excitement, 657.
truth or the satisfaction, 657.
Objects and knowledge curious, for, 744.
in an airy height, 287.
of all thought, 467.
sees in all, eye of intellect, 582.
Obligation, fulfilment every pecuniary, 755.
haste to pay an, 981.
to posterity, 439.
Obliged by hunger, 326.
in this fool’s world, 729.
Obliging, so, ne’er obliged, 327.
Oblivion, after life is, 936.
bury in, 201.
second childishness and mere, 69.
stretch her wing, 347.
tooth of time and razure of, 49.
Oblivious antidote, some sweet, 125.
Obscure, circuitous and, 840.
grave, a little little, 82.
palpable, 227.
Obscures the show of evil, 63.
Obsequious majesty, 237.
Observance, breach than the, 130.
with this special, 137.
Observation, bearings of this, 702.
by my penny of, 55.
smack of, 78.
strange places crammed with, 68.
with extensive view, 365.
Observations which we make, 320.
Observe the opportunity, 1029.
Observer, God has waited six thousand years for an, 858.
he is a great, 111.
Observers, observed of all, 136.
Observer’s sake, partial for the, 320.
Obstinate questionings of sense, 478.
Obstruction, to lie in cold, 48.
Obtainable, no truer truth, 714.
Obtained, but when once, 586.
Occasion, courage mounted with, 78.
mellowing of, 55.
requires, silent when, 915.
to know one another, 45.
when to take, by the hand, 665.
Occasions and causes, 93.
Occident, in the yet unformed. 39.
Occupation, absence of, 415.
’s gone, Othello’s, 154.
Occupations, let thy, be few, 938.
Occur in the best regulated families, 701.
the most of them never, 843.
things that did n’t, 839.