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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 309 John Bartlett

Smoother than butter, 1013.
Smoothing the raven-down, 244.
Smooth-lipped shell, 480.
Smoothly done, my task is, 246.
Smoothness, temperance that may give, 137.
torrent’s, ere it dash below, 516.
Smooth-shaven green, 250.
Smote him thus, 157.
him under the fifth rib, 1007.
’is blooming lyre, 853.
the chord of self, 669.
them hip and thigh, 1006.
Snail, creeping like, 69.
Snails, feet like, 202.
Snake, like a wounded, 324.
scotched the, not killed it, 121.
Snakes in Iceland, no, 373.
Snapper-up of unconsidered trifles, 77.
Snaps itself, vow binds too strictly, 680.
Snare, mockery and a, 527.
the destined, 769.
the silken, 781.
Snares, life hath, 640.
Snatch a fearful joy, 381.
a grace, 323.
half our knowledge we must, 320.
Snatches arguments to make indulgence, 729.
Snatched my crown, 793.
Sneaking off, my valour is, 441.
Sneer, laughing devil in his, 551.
teach the rest to, 327.
who can refute a, 861.
with solemn, 544.
yesterday’s frown and, 728.
Snore upon the flint, 160.
Snout, jewel in a swine’s, 1018.
Snow, beard was white as, 142.
chaste as ice as pure as, 136.
chaste as unsunned, 159.
diadem of, 553.
fairest meadow white with, 691.
from purest, 103.
hide those hills of, 49, 184.
in a dazzling drift, 709.
in May’s new-fangled mirth, 54.
late though lingered the, 811.
mockery king of, 82.
not hail or rain or any, 681.
peaks wrapt in clouds and, 543.
rosebuds filled with, 871.
shall be their winding sheet, 515.
singer with the crown of, 738.
wallow naked in December, 81.
whirls through the empty, 714.
whiter than the driven, 380.
Snows, lands of sun to lands of, 751.
through the drifting, 568.
were rain, 814.
Snow-broth, whose blood is, 47.
Snow-fall in the river, 451.
Snowflake brave and meek, 810.
leaves the sky, whenever a, 810.
Snow-flakes, as still as, 538.
Snowing, it will soon be, 823.
Snow-jeweled hills, 837.
Snow-storms, self-appointed inspector of, 722.
Snow-white ram, 481.
voices, 786.
Snowy beard, tradition wears a, 650.
Snuff, only took, 400.
rather than live in, 26.
Snuff-box, amber, 326.
Snuffed out by an article, 560.
Snug as a bug in a rug, 361.
little island, 863.
So and so and ever so, 816.
and so and my opinion is, 947.
can I, 719.
dies a wave along the shore, 434.
have I, 719.
if it please you, if not why so, 44.
is good very good, 71.
it is but so, 71.
it might not be, and, 720.
much to do, 675.
on the ocean of life we pass, 644.
or so, to say why gals acts, 736.
soon that I am done for, 875.
sweet so soft so hushed, 725.
sweetly she bade me adieu, 380.
unto the man is woman, 645.
wise so young never live long, 97.
Soaks up the rain, the thirsty earth, 260.
Soap, invisible, 593.
Soar, alike unfit to sink or, 554.
but never roam, 485.
through rolling clouds to, 539.
Sob a storm a strife, 783.
Sobbing through the deeps she goes, 775.
Sober as a judge, 363.
be vigilant, be, 1041.
certainty of waking bliss, 244.
goes to bed, 184.
in your diet, be, 350.
livery twilight gray in her, 233.
realm of leafless trees, the, 751.
second thoughts are best, 277.
skies they were ashen and, 656.
will to bed go, 184.
Sobers us again, drinking largely, 323.
Soberness, truth and, 1035.
Social friend I love thee well, 564.
offenders, 801.
smile the sympathetic tear, 387.
Society among unequals, 237.
as is quiet wise and good, 567.
in shipwreck, 894.
is one polished horde, 560.
mudsills of, 636.
my glittering bride, 480.
no lack of good, 644.
one, alone on earth, 476.
ornament to, 510.
question before, with glib assurance, 625.
solder of, 354.
solitude sometimes is best, 239.
the vanilla of, 460.
virtues of, are the vices, 620.
waits unformed, 745.