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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 319 John Bartlett

Spite the world, reckless what I do to, 121.
Spleen about thee, mirth and, 300.
meditative, 480.
Splendid a star, 713.
flower, the, 797.
I was thinking the day most, 745.
in ashes, 219.
sight to see, a, 540.
silent sun, give me the, 743.
summer of its noiseless might, 846.
Splendidly null, 677.
Splendour dazzles in vain, 568.
in the grass, 478.
not in lone, hung aloft, 577.
of silence, the, 837.
streaming through the sky, 496.
Splendours fling, its ancient, 695.
Splenitive and rash, 144.
Split the ears of groundlings, 137.
the shroud, ray on ray, 713.
Spoil of me, villanous company the, 86.
the child, spare the rod, 8, 213, 262.
Spoils, is fit for stratagems and, 66.
of nature, rich with the, 217.
of office cannot buy, whom, 730.
of time, rich with the, 384.
of war the wealth of seas, 569.
the pleasure of the time, 122.
to the victors belong the, 864.
Spoiled, the summer day was, 792.
Spoke less, knew more and, 924.
Spoken a noble thought, where’er is, 646.
once by Him who was the truth, 684.
Sponge, drink no more than a, 957.
Spontaneity, life and universe show, 765.
Spoon, must be a, 593.
must have a long, 18.
Spoons, count our, 370.
from whom we guard our, 605.
Sport an hour with beauty’s chain, 525.
is stale lad, and all the, 728.
not worth the candle, 206.
of bear-baiting gave offence, 604.
of every wind, 314.
that wrinkled care derides, 248.
to have the enginer, 141.
with Amaryllis in the shade, 247.
would be as tedious as to work, 83.
Sports, my joy of youthful, 547.
of children, 394.
Sporus feel, can, 328.
Spot is cursed, the, 472.
leave this barren, 516.
of earth, 481.
out damned, 124.
plant on his peculiar, 317.
stir of this dim, 243.
this punctual, 237.
tho’ now each, looks drear, 597.
which men call earth, 243.
yet round about the, 696.
Spots in the sun, 189.
leopard change his, 1027.
Spots of sunny openings, 536.
quadrangular, 420.
Sprang out so noiseless around me, 745.
up to see, the flowers, 795.
Spray and the tempest’s roar, the, 714.
Spread and span like the catholic man, 818.
and wink, 807.
his sweet leaves, 104.
the thin oar, 318.
the truth from pole to pole, 300.
with colours idly, 80.
yourselves, masters, 57.
Spreads his light wings, 333.
his orient beams, 233.
Spreading himself, 1011.
Sprightly running, 276.
Spring and root of honesty, 915.
canker galls the infants of the, 129.
come gentle, 355.
comes slowly up this way, 499.
companions of the, 438.
different kinds of weather in, 796.
from haunted, 251.
full of sweet days, 204.
in blossom last, 799.
in the, a livelier iris, 668.
in the world, 846.
is old, 821.
of light, a, 586.
of love, 44, 498.
of the world, in the, 847.
of virtues, 35.
of woes unnumbered, 336.
Pierian, taste not the, 323.
pilgrim steps of, 822.
shall mourn with ever-returning, 744.
slow stream or pebbly, 504.
supplies another race, the, 338.
the joyous book of, 770.
the winter of the, 650.
thine azure sister of the, 565.
unlocks the flowers, 535.
up and blossom at last, 788.
visit the mouldering urn, 428.
Springs, back to their, like the rain, 643.
Helicon’s harmonious, 382.
joy’s delicious, 540.
of Dove, beside the, 469.
rise not above their source, 767.
steeds to water at those, 159.
Springes to catch woodcocks, 310.
Springing fresh and green, corn was, 637.
Spring-time, never yet was a, 811.
Spring-time’s harbinger, 199.
Sprinkled with rosy light, 338.
Sprite begotten of summer, some, 865.
Sprouting, ever seen any cabbages, 660.
Spur, fame is the, 241.
to prick the sides of my intent, 118.
Spurs the lated traveller, 121.
Spurn to-day, falsehoods which we, 651.