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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 65 John Bartlett

Danger, out of this nettle, 84.
pleased with the, 267.
shape of, cannot dismay, 476.
Dangers, loved me for the, 151.
of the seas, 176.
sing the, of the sea, 860.
thou canst make us scorn, what, 451.
Danger’s troubled night, 515.
Dangerous, delays are, 276.
ends, delays have, 93.
if a little knowledge is, 762.
literature the most, of professions, 812.
little learning is, 323.
sea, most, 63.
something in me, 144.
such men are, 111.
to be of no church, 369.
tongue’s magic most of spells, 632.
Daniel come to judgment! yea a Daniel, 65.
a second, a Daniel Jew, 65.
well-languaged, 201.
Dank and dropping weeds, 253.
Danny Deever, an’ they’re hangin’, 852.
Dante of the dread Inferno, 706.
sleeps afar like Scipio, 545.
Danube river, upon the, 778.
Dappled turf, on the, 473.
Dare and yet I may not, 25.
do all becomes a man, 118.
fain would I but I, not, 25.
for that sweet mother-land, who, 682.
not do an ill thing, I, 916.
not wait upon, I would, 118.
not, would fain deny and, 124.
the elements to strife, 550.
to be true, 205.
to chide me, who shall, 724.
to die, bear to live or, 318.
what man, I dare, 122.
what men, do, 52.
will to do the soul to, 491.
Dares do more, who, 118.
not put it to the touch, 257.
stir abroad, 127.
think one thing, who, 338.
this pair of boots displace, 388.
Dared for a high cause to suffer, 746.
to love their country, 336.
what he thought he, 342.
what none hath, thou hast, 26.
Darien, silent upon a peak in, 576.
Daring dined, and greatly, 332.
in full dress, 555.
pilot in extremity, 267.
the loving are the, 761.
Darius was of the opinion, 767.
Dark amid the blaze of noon, 241.
and bright, best of, 535.
and doubtful, from the, 443.
and dreary, some days, 640.
and lonely hiding-place, 501.
and silent grave, 26.
as children fear to go in the, 164.
Dark as Erebus, affections, 66.
as night, thy path be, 702.
as pitch, 265.
at one stride comes the, 498.
backward in the, 42.
blue depths, 507.
blue sea, glad waters of the, 550.
but through, no time so, 715.
clouds along the horizon, 613.
clouds lower, suns may scorch and, 610.
cottage, the soul’s, 221.
ever-during, surrounds me, 230.
every hour of light and, a miracle, 744.
eye glances, are where thy, 655.
eye in woman, 544.
heart of mine, so shall this, 636.
horse, 626.
illumine what in me is, 223.
irrecoverably, 241.
leap into the, 956.
mournful rustling in the, 641.
or the abysmal, 585.
rigged with curses, 247.
shining nowhere but in the, 264.
streets, in thy, 792.
sun to me is, 241.
the night is, and I am far, 607.
the nightingale’s hymn in the, 681.
vistas of the reboantic noms, 636.
walk with God in the, 808.
ways that are, 813.
what looks, in the distance, 808.
with excessive bright, 231.
words, with these, 479.
Dark-blue hunter, night the, 855.
Darkeneth counsel by words, 1009.
Darker grows the night, as, 399.
grows the valley, 772.
Darkest day, the, 423.
Darkies have to part, time when, 764.
Darkish, the leaf was, 245.
Darkling death, 799.
plain, here as on a, 753.
Darkly blue, summer skies are, 613.
deeply beautifully blue, 507, 559.
dreaming, 778.
see through a glass, 1037.
Darkness, a distant voice in the, 644.
again and a silence, then, 644.
and silence reign, when awful, 703.
and the worm, 308.
another of, on the confines, 583.
born, in silent, 39.
Cimmerian, 513.
come blessed, bring thy balm, 764.
dawn on our, 535.
encompass the tomb, 535.
falls from the wings of night, 641.
from light, 710.
instruments of, tell us truths, 116.
is strong and so is sin, 738.
jaws of, devour it, 57.
land of, 1008.
leaves the world to, 384.
let us weep in our, 723.
night and storm and, 544.