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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 87 John Bartlett

Dwell in such a temple, 43.
like an hermit, 26.
together in unity, 1016.
two worlds in which we, 763.
where love and wisdom, 715.
Dwells apart though not alone, man, 749.
ever in her words, 608.
hereabouts he, 108.
in that mighty tone, 716.
no greatness, in me there, 679.
where joy forever, 223.
within thine heart, coldness, 653.
Dweller in you dungeon, dark, 449.
Dwellest thou, where, 103.
Dwelling is light of setting suns, 467.
Dwellings were open as day, 642.
Dwelling-place, the desert were my, 547.
Dwelt all that’s good, 220.
among the untrodden ways, 469.
Dwindle peak and pine, 116.
Dwindles, man only, 394.
Dyer’s hand, like the, 163.
Dying ember wrought, each separate, 655.
eyes, unto, 673.
eyes were closed, 335.
fall, it had a, 74.
farewells to the, 642.
I am dying Egypt, 158.
in Algiers, soldier lay, 653.
man to dying men, 858.
to-morrow will be, 202.
we live, living we fret, 713.
well-beloved saying to the people, 742.
when she slept we thought her, 591.
with groans of the, 489.
Each day is like a year, 836.
day will bring its task, 779.
heart is whispering Home, 594.
of us is inevitable, 742.
Eager eyes, looks through his, 791.
for the fray, 296.
heart the kindlier hand, 676.
Eagle, caged I pine, like an, 714.
eye and lion heart, 392.
flight, flies an, 109.
he was lord above, 474.
in a dove-cote, 103.
like a young, 518.
mewing her mighty youth, 255.
old age of an, 890.
so the struck, 539.
stricken with a dart, 882.
suffers little birds to sing, 104.
Eagles be gathered together, 1033.
dare not perch, 96.
good to fight jackdaws, 921.
having lately bathed, like, 86.
Eagle’s fate and mine are one, 219.
Eagles’ wings, fly on, 858.
Ear, adder that stoppeth her, 1013.
applying shell to his, 480.
can hear, that no gross, 245.
drums in his, 105.
Ear, dull, of a drowsy man, 79.
enchant thine, 161.
falling at intervals upon the, 422.
flattery ne’er lost on poet’s, 487.
flea in mine, 957.
give every man thy, 130.
heard me, when the, 1009.
hearing of the, 1010.
hold to thine, 793.
I was all, 245.
I will enchant thine, 161.
in at one, 19.
in many a secret place, 469.
it came o’er my, 74.
it heard, one, 6.
jest’s prosperity lies in the, 56.
jewel in an Ethiope’s, 105.
more meant than meets the, 250.
never did hear that tongue, 23.
not to the sensual, 576.
of a drowsy man, 79.
of death, dull cold, 384.
of Eve, close at the, 234.
of man hath not seen, 58.
of night, the listening, 695.
piercing the night’s dull, 92.
ring sweet in mine, 587.
seeing eye and hearing, 1019.
voice in my dreaming, 515.
we lack but open eye and, 650.
with a flea in his, 184.
word of promise to our, 126.
wrong sow by the, 19, 971.
Ears, aged, play truant at his tales, 55.
as walls have, 678.
belly has no, 911, 958.
blast of war blows in our, 91.
given two, but only one mouth, 628.
hangs from beauty’s, 424.
he that hath, to hear, 1033.
in the, of gentle and simple, 750.
in my ancient, 106.
lend me your, 113.
look with thine, 148.
music to attending, 106.
nailed by the, 214.
noise of water in mine, 96.
of flesh and blood, 131.
of the groundlings, 137.
polite, mentions hell to, 322.
same sound is in my, 471.
she gave me, 469.
small pitchers have wide, 17.
sounds of music creep in our, 65.
the woods have, 2, 17.
took captive, whose words all, 74.
two, of corn where one grew, 290.
with ravished, 271.
wolf by the, 891.
Earl can last but a few years, 768.
Earldom and insignificancy, 353.
Earlier time, back upon an, 622.
Earliest at his grave, 862.
Early and provident fear, 411.
beautiful, summer weather, 599.
bright transient chaste, 308.
death, to favourites, 546.
find the peaceful skies, 696.