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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

Out of debt to Pedibus timor

Out of debt, out of danger.Proverb.

Out of difficulties grow miracles.La Bruyère.

Out of Evil comes Good; and no Good that is possible but shall one day be real.Carlyle.

Out of my stony griefs / Bethel I’ll raise.Adams.

Out of Plato come all things that are still written and debated about among men of thought.Emerson.

Out of sight out of mind.Thomas à Kempis.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.Jesus.

Out of the eater cometh forth meat; out of the strong cometh forth sweetness.Samson’s riddle.

Out of the frying-pan into the fire.Proverb.

Out of the suffering comes the serious mind; out of the salvation, the grateful heart; out of endurance, fortitude; out of deliverance, faith.Ruskin.

Out of this nettle danger we pluck this flower safety.1 Henry IV., ii. 3.

Out upon the tempest of anger, the acrimonious gall of fretful impatience, the sullen frost of lowring resentment, or the corroding poison of withered envy! They eat up the immortal part of a man!… like traitor Iscariot, betray their lord and master.Burns.

[Greek]—Nothing in the affairs of mankind is worth serious anxiety.Plato.

Outward judgment often fails, inward justice never.Theo. Parker.

Outward religion originates by society; society becomes possible by religion.Carlyle.

Ouvrage de longue haleine—A long-winded or tedious business.Proverb.

Over the events of life we may have a control, but none whatever over the law of its progress.Draper.

Over the Time thou hast no power; solely over one man therein hast thou a quite absolute, uncontrollable power; him redeem, him make honest.Carlyle.

Over there it will not be otherwise than it is here.Goethe.

Overcome evil with good.St. Paul.

Overdone is worse than underdone.Proverb.

Ovid finely compares a man of broken fortune to a falling column; the lower it sinks, the greater weight it is obliged to sustain.Goldsmith.

Owe no man anything, but to love one another; for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.St. Paul.

Oysters are not good in a month that hath not an R in it.Proverb.

Pabulum Acherontis—Food for Acheron, i.e., on the verge of the grave.Plautus.

Pace tanti viri—If so great a man will forgive me.

Pacem hominibus habe, bellum cum vitiis—Maintain peace with men, war with their vices.

Pacta conventa—Conditions agreed upon.

Pacte de famille—A family compact.French.

Pactum non pactum est; non pactum pactum est; quod vobis lubet—A bargain is not a bargain, no bargain is a bargain, as it pleases you.Plautus.

Paga lo que debes, sabrás lo que tienes—Pay what you owe, and what you have you’ll know.Italian Proverb.

“Pagan self-assertion” is one of the elements of human worth as well as “Christian self-denial.”J. S. Mill.

Pain has its own noble joy, when it kindles a strong consciousness of life, before stagnant and torpid.J. Sterling.

Pain is less subject than pleasure to capricious expression.Johnson.

Pain is so uneasy a sentiment that very little of it is enough to corrupt every enjoyment.Rogers.

Pain is the deepest thing we have in our nature, and union through pain has always seemed more real and holy than any other.Hallam.

Pain is the positive element in life, and pleasure its negation.Schopenhauer.

Pain past is pleasure.Proverb.

Pain pays the income of each precious thing.Shakespeare.

Painful for man is rebellious independence when it has become inevitable; only in loving companionship with his fellows does he feel safe; only in reverently bowing down before the Higher does he feel himself exalted.Carlyle.

Pains of love be sweeter far / Than all other pleasures are.Dryden.

Paint costs nothing.Dutch Proverb.

“Paint me as I am.” (?)

Painters draw their nymphs in thin and airy habits, but the weight of gold and of embroideries is reserved for queens and goddesses.Dryden.

Painting does not proceed so much by intelligence as by sight and feeling and invention.Hamerton.

Painting is silent poetry, and poetry speaking painting.Simonides.

Painting is the intermediate between a thought and a thing.Coleridge.

Palabra de boca, piedra he honda—A word from the mouth is as a stone from a sling.Spanish Proverb.

Palabra y piedra suelta no tiene vuelta—A word and a stone once launched cannot be recalled.Spanish Proverb.

Palam mutire plebeio piaculum est—For a common man to mutter what he thinks is a risky venture.

Palinodiam canere—To recant.

Pallida mors æquo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas, / Regumque turres—Pale Death with impartial foot knocks at the hovels of the poor and the palaces of kings.Horace.

Palma non sine pulvere—The palm, but not without a struggle.Motto.

Palma virtuti—The palm to virtue.Motto.

Palmam qui meruit ferat—Let him bear the palm that deserves it.Motto.

Panem et circenses—Bread and the games of the circus (what the Roman plebs took sole interest in).Juvenal.

Paper and leather and ink, / All are but trash / If I find not the thought / Which the writer can think.Dr. Walter Smith.

Par bene comparatum—A pair well matched.

Par droit de conquète et par droit de naissance—By right of conquest and by right of birth.Henry IV. of France.

Par excellence—Pre-eminently.French.

Par l’écoulement du temps—By the lapse of time.French.

Par le droit du plus fort—By the right of the strongest.Proverb.

Par les mêmes voies on ne va pas toujours aux mêmes fins—The same means do not always lead to the same ends.La Rochefoucauld.

Par ma foi! l’âge ne sert de guère / Quand on n’a pas cela—By my faith, age serves but little if one has not that (brains).Molière.

Par manière d’acquit—For form’s sake.French.

Par negotiis, neque supra—Equal to, and not above, his business.Tacitus.

Par nobile fratrum—A precious pair of brothers.Horace.

Par pari referto—Give him back tit for tat.Terence.

Par signe de mépris—In token of contempt.French.

Par ternis suppar—The two are equal to the three.Motto.

Par trop débattre la vérité se perd—The truth is sacrificed by too much disputation.French Proverb.

Par un prompt désespoir souvent on se marie, / Qu’on s’en repent après tout le temps de sa vie—We often marry in despair, so that we repent of it all our life after.Molière.

Paradise is always where love dwells.Jean Paul.

Paradise is for those who control their anger.Koran.

Paradise is under the shadow of our swords.Mahomet.

Parasiticam cœnam quærit—He seeks the meal of a parasite or hanger-on.

Parce, puer, stimulis et fortius utere loris—Boy, spare the goad and more firmly grasp the reins.Ovid.

Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis—To spare persons, to condemn crimes.Martial.

Parcere subjectis et debellare superbos—To spare the conquered, to subdue the haughty.Virgil.

Parcite paucorum diffundere crimen in omnes—Forbear to lay the guilt of the few upon the many.Ovid.

Parens Deorum cultor, et infrequens, / Insanientis dum sapientiæ / Consultus erro; nunc retrorsum / Vela dare, atque iterare cursus / Cogor relictos—A niggard and unfrequent worshipper of the gods, as long as I strayed from the way by senseless philosophy; I am now forced to turn my sail back, and to retrace the course I had deserted.Horace.

Pardon is the choicest flower of victory.Arabian Proverb.

Parents are commonly more careful to bestow wit on their children than virtue, the art of speaking well than of doing well; but their manners ought to be the great concern.Fuller.

Parents’ blessings can neither be drowned in water nor consumed in fire.Proverb.

Parents we can have but once; and he promises himself too much who enters life with the expectation of finding many friends.Johnson.

Pares cum paribus ut est in veteri proverbio facillime congregantur—As in the old proverb, “Like associates most naturally with like.”Cicero.

Parfois, élus maudits de la fureur suprême, / … Ces envoyés du ciel sont apparus au monde / Comme s’ils venaient de l’enfer—Sometimes these ambassadors of heaven, the accursed elect of the wrath of heaven, appear in the world as though they came from hell.Victor Hugo.

Pari passu—With equal steps or pace; neck and neck.

Pari ratione—By parity of reason.

Paritur pax bello—Peace is produced by war.Cornelius Nepos.

Parlez du loup et vous en verrez la queue—Speak of the wolf and you will see his tail; speak of the devil and he will appear.French Proverb.

Parlez peu et bien, si vous voulez qu’on vous regarde comme un homme de mérite—Speak little and well if you wish to be esteemed a man of merit.French.

Parliamentary government is government by speaking.Macaulay.

Pars beneficii est quod petitur si belle neges—To refuse graciously is to confer a favour.Publius Syrus.

Pars beneficii est quod petitur si cito neges—To refuse a favour quickly is to grant one.Publius Syrus.

Pars hominum vitiis gaudet constanter, et urget / Propositum: pars multa natat, modo recta capessens, / Interdum pravis obnoxia—A portion of mankind glory consistently in their vices and pursue their purpose; many more waver between doing what is right and complying with what is wrong.Horace.

Pars minima est ipsa puella sui—The girl herself is the least part of herself.Ovid.

Pars minima sui—The smallest part of himself or itself.

Pars sanitatis velle sanari fuit—It is a step to the cure to be willing to be cured.Seneca.

Parsimonia est magnum vectigal—Thrift is a great revenue.Cicero.

Parsimony is enough to make the master of the golden mines as poor as he that has nothing; for a man may be brought to a morsel of bread by parsimony as well as profusion.Henry Home.

Parta tueri—Defend what you have won.Motto.

Partage de Montgomerie: tout d’un côté, rien de l’autre—A Montgomery division: everything on one side and nothing on the other.French Proverb.

Parthis mendacior—More mendacious than the Parthians.Horace.

Partial culture runs to the ornate; extreme culture to simplicity.Bovee.

Particeps criminis—A partaker in a crime; an accessory either before or after the fact.

Parties do not consider; they only feel.Ranke.

Parting day / Dies like the dolphin, whom each pang imbues / With a new colour as it grasps away, / The last still loveliest, till—’tis gone, and all is gray.Byron.

Parting is worse than death; it is death of love.Dryden.

Parting with a delusion makes one wiser than falling in with a truth.Börne.

Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus—Mountains are in labour, a ridiculous mouse will be brought forth.Horace.

Party honesty is party expediency.G. Cleveland.

Party is the madness of many for the gain of the few.Pope.

Party standards are shadows in which patriotism is buried.Bernardine de St. Pierre.

Parva leves capiunt animos—Little minds are caught with trifles.Ovid.

Parva sunt hæc; sed parva ista non contemnendo majores nostri maximam hanc rem fecerunt—These are small things; but it was by not despising these small things that our forefathers made the commonwealth so great.Livy.

Parvis componere magna—To compare great things with small.Virgil.

Parvula (nam exemplo est) magni formica laboris / Ore trahit quodcunque potest atque addit acervo, / Quem struit, haud ignara ac non incauta futuri—The ant, for instance, is a creature of great industry, drags with its mouth all it can, and adds to the heap it piles up, not ignorant or improvident of the future.Horace.

Parvula scintilla sæpe magnum suscitavit incendium—A very small spark has often kindled a great conflagration.

Parvum non parvè amicitiæ pignus—A slight pledge of no small friendship.Motto.

Parvum parva decent—Him that is little little things become.Horace.

Pas à pas on va bien loin—Step by step one goes very far.French.

Pas un pouce de notre territoire, ni une pierre de nos forteresses!—Not an inch of our territory, not a stone of our fortresses!Jules Favre in 1870, to the demand of Germany.

Pascitur in vivis livor, post fata quiescit; / Tunc suus, ex merito, quemque tuetur honos—Envy feeds upon the living, after death it rests; then the honour a man deserves protects him.Ovid.

[Greek]—Fortune always fights on the side of the prudent.Critias.

Pass no rash censure upon other people’s words or actions.Thomas à Kempis.

Passato il pericolo gabbato il santo—When the danger is passed the saint is cheated.Italian Proverb.

Passe avant—Pass ahead.Motto.

Passe par tout—A master-key; a pass-key.

Passez-moi la rhubarbe et je vous passerai le séné—Pass you me the rhubarb, and I will pass you the senna, i.e., shut your eyes to my faults, and I will to yours.Molière.

Passion depraves, but also ennobles.Lamartine.

Passion drives the man, passions the woman; him a stream, her the winds.Jean Paul.

Passion is the drunkenness of the mind.South.

Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, romance, art, would be useless.Balzac.

Passion looks not beyond the moment of its existence.Bovee.

Passion makes the best observations and the sorriest conclusions.Jean Paul.

Passion makes the will lord of the reason.Shakespeare. (?)

Passion often makes a fool of the most ingenious man, and often makes the greatest blockhead ingenious.Thomson.

Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring.Emerson.

Passionate people are like men who stand upon their heads; they see all things in the wrong way.Plato.

Passions are likened best to floods and streams; / The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb.Sir W. Raleigh.

Passions are the gales of life.Pope.

Passions are vices or virtues in their highest powers.Goethe.

Passions existed before principles; they came into the world with us.Mrs. Jameson.

Passions may not unfitly be termed the mob of the man, that commits a riot upon his reason.William Penn.

Passions spin the plot; we are betrayed by what is false within.George Meredith.

Past and to come seem best, things present worst.2 Henry IV., i. 2.

Pastime, like wine, is poison in the morning.Thomas Fuller.

Patch and long sit, / Build and soon flit.Proverb.

Patch grief with proverbs.Much Ado, v. 1.

Pater familias—The father of a family.

Pater noster—Our father; the Lord’s prayer.

Pater patriæ—The father of his country.

[Greek]—We learn from the things we suffer.Æsop.

Patience and perseverance overcome the greatest difficulties.Clarissa.

Patience, and shuffle the cards.Cervantes.

Patience et longueur de temps / Font plus que force ni que rage—Patience and length of time accomplish more than violence and rage.La Fontaine.

Patience had no sooner placed herself by the mount of sorrows, but the whole heap sunk to such a degree, that it did not appear a third part so big as it was before.Addison.

Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius.Disraeli.

Patience is a plaister for all sores.Proverb.

Patience is a remedy for every sorrow.Publius Syrus.

Patience is a stout horse, but it will tire at last.Proverb.

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.Rousseau.

Patience is even more rarely manifested in the intellect than in the temper.Helps.

Patience is genius.Buffon.

Patience is good for poltroons.3 Henry VI., i. 1.

Patience is sister to meekness, and humility is its mother.Saying.

Patience is the art of hoping.Vauvenargues.

Patience is the ballast of the soul, that will keep it from rolling and tumbling in the greatest storms.Bp. Hopkins.

Patience is the key of content.Mahomet.

Patience is the key of Paradise.Turkish Proverb.

Patience is the support of weakness; impatience, the ruin of strength.Colton.

Patience, money, and time bring all things to pass.Proverb.

Patience of obscurity is a duty which we owe not more to our happiness than to the quiet of the world at large.Sydney Smith.

Patience passe science—Patience surpasses knowledge.Motto.

Patience, unmoved, no marvel though she pause; / They can be meek that have no other cause.Comedy of Errors, ii. 1.

Patience wears out stones.Gaelic Proverb.

Patience, when it is a divine thing, is active, not passive.Lowell.

Patience wi’ poverty is a man’s best remedy.Scotch Proverb.

Patient waiters are no losers.Proverb.

Patientia læsa fit furor—Patience abused becomes fury.

Patientia vinces—You will conquer by patience.

Patiently add farthing to farthing.Goldsmith.

Patitur qui vincit—He suffers who conquers.Motto.

Patria cara, carior libertas—Dear is my country, but liberty is dearer.Motto.

Patria quis exul / Se quoque fugit?—What fugitive from his country can also fly from himself?Horace.

Patriæ fumus igne alieno luculentior—The smoke of our own country is brighter than fire in a foreign one.Proverb.

Patriæ infelici fidelis—Faithful to my unhappy country.Motto.

Patriæ pietatis imago—The image of his filial affection.Virgil.

Patriæ solum omnibus caram est—The soil of their native land is dear to the hearts of all men.Cicero.

Patriotism depends as much on mutual suffering as on mutual success.Disraeli.

Patriotism has its roots deep in the instincts and the affections. Love of country is the expansion of filial love.D. D. Field.

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.Johnson.

Patriotism is the vital condition of national permanence.G. W. Curtis.

Patriotism must be founded on great principles and supported by great virtue.Bolingbroke.

[Greek]—One’s country is wherever things go well with him.Aristophanes.

Patroclus is dead, who was better by far than thou.Homer.

Patronage, that is, pecuniary or other economic furtherance, has been pronounced to be twice cursed, cursing him that gives and him that takes.Carlyle.

Pauca Catonis verba, sed a pleno venientia pectore veri—The words of Cato were few, but they came from a heart full of truth.Lucan.

Pauca verba—Few words.

Pauci dignoscere possunt / Vera bona, atque illis multum diversa—Few men can distinguish the genuinely good from the reverse.Juvenal.

Paucis carior est fides quam pecunia—To few is good faith more valuable than money.Sallust, of his own times.

Paul Pry is on the spy.Proverb.

Paullatim—By degrees.Motto.

Paulum sepultæ distat inertiæ / Celata virtus—Worth that is hidden differs little from buried sloth.Horace.

Pauper enim non est cui rerum suppetit usus. / Si ventri bene, si lateri pedibusque tuis, nil / Divitiæ poterunt regales addere majus—That man is not poor who has a sufficiency for all his wants. If it is well with your stomach, your lungs, and your feet, the wealth of kings can add no more.Horace.

Pauper sum, fateor, patior; quod Di dant fero—I am poor, I admit; I put up with it. What the gods give I bear with.Plautus.

Pauper ubique jacet—Every where the poor man is despised.Ovid.

Pauperism is our social sin grown manifest.Carlyle.

Pauperism is the general leakage through every joint of the ship that is rotten.Carlyle.

Paupertas est, non quæ pauca possidet, sed quæ multa non possidet—Poverty is not possessing few things, but lacking many things.Seneca.

Paupertas fugitur, totoque arcessitur orbe—Poverty is shunned and treated as criminal throughout the world.Lucan.

Paupertatis pudor et fuga—The shame and the bugbear of poverty.Horace.

Pauperum solatio—For the solace of the poor.Motto.

Pauvres gens, je les plains; car on a pour les fous / Plus de pitié que de courroux—Poor people, I pity them; for one always entertains for fools more pity than anger.Boileau, on disappointed authors.

Pavore carent qui nihil commiserunt; at pœnam semper ob oculos versari putant qui peccarunt—The innocent are free from fear; but the guilty have always the dread of punishment before their eyes.

Pax Cererem nutrit, pacts alumna Ceres—Peace is the nurse of Ceres; Ceres is the nursling of peace.Ovid.

Pax in bello—Peace in war.Motto.

Pax paritur bello—Peace is produced by war.Cornelius Nepos.

Pax vobiscum—Peace be with you.

Pay as you go is the philosopher’s stone.S. Randolph of Roanoke.

Pay beforehand if you would have your work ill done.Proverb.

Pay good wages, or your servants will pay themselves.Proverb.

Pay not before thy work be done; If thou dost, it will never be well done, and thou wilt have but a pennyworth for twopence.Franklin.

Pay the reckoning over-night, and you won’t be troubled in the morning.Proverb.

Pay well when you are served well.Proverb.

Pay what you owe, and what you’re worth you’ll know.Proverb.

Pay without fail, / Down on the nail.Proverb.

Pazza è chi non sa da che parte vien il vento—He is a senseless fellow who does not know from what quarter the wind blows.Italian Proverb.

Peace hath her victories, / No less renown’d than war.Milton.

Peace is liberty in tranquility.Cicero.

Peace is rarely denied to the peaceful.Schiller.

Peace is the happy natural state of man; war his corruption, his disgrace.Thomson.

Peace is the masterpiece of reason.J. Müller.

Peace, justice, and the word of God must be given to the people, not sold.Ruskin.

Peace, of all worldly blessings, is the most valuable.Smallridge.

Peace with a cudgel in hand is war.Portuguese Proverb.

Peacefully and reasonably to contemplate is at no time hurtful, and while we use ourselves to think of the advantages of others, our own mind comes insensibly to imitate them; and every false activity to which our fancy was alluring us is then willingly abandoned.Goethe.

Peccare docentes / Fallax historias movet—He deceitfully relates stories that are merely lessons in vice.Horace.

Peccare licet nemini—No one has leave to sin.Cicero.

Peccavi—I have sinned. To cry “peccavi” is to acknowledge one’s error.

Péché avoué est à moitié pardonné—A sin confessed is half forgiven.French Proverb.

Pectus est quod disertos facit—It is the heart which inspires eloquence.Quintilian.

Pecuniam in loco negligere / Interdum maximum est lucrum—To despise money on proper occasions is sometimes a very great gain.Terence.

Pecuniam perdidisti: fortasse illa te perderet manens—You have lost your money; perhaps, if you had kept it, it would have lost you.

Pedanterie setzt ganz nothwendig Leere—Pedantry quite necessarily presupposes vacancy.Rahel.

Pedantry crams our heads with learned lumber, and takes out our brains to make room for it.Colton.

Pedantry is properly the overrating any kind of knowledge we pretend to.Swift.

Pedibus timor addidit alas—Fear gave wings to his feet.