discussion 2 ch 4 elements of listening



South Texas College *

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Apr 26, 2024





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1. Which style of listening best describes you and why? Provide an example. Which style do you have the most difficulty with or like the least and why? My listening approach is best described as people-oriented. This type of listener is concerned about the speaker's emotions. I don't consider myself a talker and prefer to listen to what others have to say or get off their chest. Working with clients all day, I get to listen to what they are going through and give them a chance to vent to me. Even if I don’t give the best advice, I want the speaker to be able to feel like they can talk to me without feeling judged. The style of listening I least like is time-oriented because you’re more concerned about the time that you don’t really get to listen to what the speaker is saying. I always see these types of listeners and feel like they are insensitive to other people’s emotions. I on the other hand, like to listen to the other person without them feeling like they are on a time constrain. 2. Of the bad listening practices listed, which do you use the most? Why do you think you use this one more than others? What can you do to help prevent or lessen this barrier? The most common improper listening practice I use is pseudo-listening. I mostly use this sort of listening when I'm attempting to multitask and can't fully engage with what the speaker is saying. I will pretend to listen and nod in agreement, but in reality, I have no idea what the other person is saying. Sometimes when I have older clients who don't speak as loudly, I pretend to listen to their stories even though I don't understand what they're saying. To prevent pseudo-listening, I could try to finish my task before engaging in a conversation so that I can be an active listener. I could also ask follow-up questions to see if what I interpreted was correct. Given your personal career goals, what listening skills do you think you will need to possess and employ in order to be successful? Based on my career goals, the skills that I would need to possess is active listening skills, informational listening skills, and empathetic listening skills. As an active listener, you must engage with the speaker whether it be verbal or non-verbal. Active listening allows you to get more involved with others and improves communication overall. Furthermore, Being an active listener can also better your informational listening skills. This skill is important for my career because you must constantly ask for information, analyze it, and ask follow-up questions. Having this skill is important to ensure that you comprehend what the speaker is saying and so that you can retain what is being said to you. lastly, being an empathetic listener can help the work environment be more positive and helps create interpersonal relationships. Having this skill can come as a challenge to some because of how difficult it is to listen and empathize. However, this skill is crucial in any career.  
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