


Houston Community College *

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Apr 29, 2024





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Learning Style Summary After reviewing your learning style report, type one paragraph describing the significant points (preferred learning style & at least two environmental factors) that you’ve discovered. My learning style is Kinesthetic, which means that I like to be physical or manipulate the material in order to learn. I do tend to skim read the directions before I just jump into what I am trying to accomplish. Its not on purpose, but due to my upbringing, I zone out when people are talking. I do catch all of the information, but I am not always actively listening. Other times I have to distract myself by doing something else in order to listen, I know that makes no sense. A few environmental factors that work for me are late in the day and low light. As long as I can see, then I can work and I’m a night owl. My fiancé goes to sleep early and that is the time I have less distractions and can accomplish more. Type a second paragraph and explain how you will use this information to study for your full-time health science program. Be specific in describing how you will use the important aspects of this report. With the pharmacy technician program, I know a lot of the courses require showing and proving that we can read a drug label or convert medication and dosages. I have started reviewing labels at work and testing my knowledge by writing out what I have committed to memory. I often times review my material at night and I keep snacks with me because it gives me a reason to take a break and return to the material later. I will always find someone who I can repeat what I have learned to, or show them how to look at labels or conversions. In doing that I have shown myself that I have retained the information. In the pharmacy tech program terminology, abbreviations, and conversion will be key and I will be able to recite all of that to someone before I graduate.
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