How you do you perceive 'personal mastery' and how does this relate to your doctoral studies



University of Phoenix *

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May 3, 2024





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Hello Dr. Herman & Class, How you do you perceive 'personal mastery' and how does this relate to your doctoral studies? I do not have a Personal Mastery written but your question, Dr. Herman has challenge me to start developing a Personal Mastery for myself which is important for a successful career. I asked few of my professional colleagues do they have a personal mastery written and all said, No. Surprisingly few adults work to rigorously develop their own personal mastery. As I began the process of developing my personal mastery, I understand an essential ingredient for super-happiness in life is discovering personal mastery. Personal mastery is something which we as Doctoral Students want to achieve, whether we know it or not. I see how Personal Mastery relate to my doctoral studies because it is about our journey towards continuous improvement and seeing life from a different perspective. Personal mastery is guided by principles such as purpose, vision, belief, commitment and knowing oneself (Fateh et al., 2021). Ultimately, personal mastery is about understanding exactly how you think, why you do things the way you do, having clarity around your purpose and direction in life and taking steps towards continual learning and development to evolve and enhance oneself (Shahzad et a., 2021). Personal mastery is not something which is achieved overnight, but rather something which each one of us strive towards in our journey of life, fostering a more satisfying, successful, happier and fulfilling life. In fact, personal skills and interpersonal behavior integrate in a “professional self”, whose basic continuous learning approach to stakeholders has to be the result of the growth of both “how to be” and “how to behave” skills: therefore, personal mastery is essential to improve organizational behavior too, and it becomes the foundation also for developing leadership and teamwork, which always were, and still are, crucial factors to achieve both efficacy and efficiency in project management (Pirozzi, 2020). Pursuing my Doctor of Management Degree in Organizational Leadership has helped me gain new skills and knowledge in my field of study. In addition to the educational benefits, pursuing my doctorate has helped me gain critical professional skills. For example, working on my dissertation has honed my writing and analytical skills. Moreover, the doctorate process has helped me develop essential networking skills. I understand now Personal Mastery is when you become your own guiding light. This is the process where individuals strive to become the better version of their own self. I know that I need to understand that it is not about the destination but the process of nurturing and evolving. I have witnessed a positive change in my personal as well as professional life because I decided to be a part of this journey. Understanding my thoughts, vision, and who I am becoming, is an essential aspect of developing mu Personal Mastery. In simple words, I understand personal mastery is a set of tools which help individuals be more creative, produce high-quality results, and be at their peak.
References: Fateh, A., Mustamil, N., & Shahzad, F. (2021). Role of authentic leadership and personal mastery in predicting employee creative behavior: a self-determination perspective. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 15, 1-16. Pirozzi, M. (2020). Basic skills and behaviors: personal mastery, leadership, teaming, and ethics. PM World Journal, IX, 1-9. Personal Mastery has many definitions but what is most important to understand is that it is not a destination or a definitive state, but a process. The idea that mastery is a process was described by Peter Senge, in his book ‘The Fifth Discipline.’ "Personal Mastery is the process of living and working purposefully towards a vision, in alignment with one’s values and in a state of constant learning about oneself and the reality in which one exists, (Quote). People with a high level of personal mastery live in a continual learning mode. They never “arrive.” (Peter Senge) The application of personal mastery is key to living an effective life and having a successful career. This has never been truer than at this time in history. I perceive my personal mastery as being confident and effective, we must first influence ourselves, before we can lead and influence others. Organizations are looking for employees who take ownership and are accountable in their role. “You cannot lead others unless your first lead yourself”. The task to know thyself, so that I can live an authentic life, is not for the faint hearted. This requires the realization that all of us are operating from mental models about ourselves and reality and that what we think of as ‘our truth’ might be just one version.
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