1_Section_Answers (1)



University of Washington *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Section #1 Exercises Classify the following passages and identify premise & conclusion indicators: 1. “While I strongly believe that we are currently producing more graduates than the country actually needs, reducing the numbers through increasing student tuition seems a little harsh.” A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: B 2. “Faith in man, faith in the future, faith in the rising returns of giving, faith in the mutual benefits of trade, faith in the providence of God are all essential to successful capitalism. All are necessary to sustain the spirit of work and enterprise against the setbacks and frustrations it inevitably meets in a fallen world” (George Glider, Wealth and Poverty). A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: B 3. “Insurance plays an important role in our nation’s economy . After all , without it, individuals, families, and corporations of all kinds would not be able to protect their assets and their futures from possible losses and damages. Being able to insure against theft, fire, flood, accidents, loss of life, and many other adversities is essential to American prosperity.” A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: A 3. “At least five attempted jail-breaks have been reported in Cairo in the past two weeks, at least three of them successful. Other attempts take place ‘every day,’ a senior Interior Ministry official said” (New York Times, May 13, 2011) A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: B 4. “And indeed since the planets are seen at varying distances from the Earth, the center of the Earth is surely not the center of their orbits ” (Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: A
5. “The General Motors Corporation announced yesterday that it was transferring its two major subsidiaries from New York to Detroit, dealing an unexpected blow to the New York administration's efforts to keep jobs in the city. The move will involve about 700 of the1,100 employees who work in the 50-story General Motors Building, at 59th Street and Fifth Avenue – or nearly two-thirds of the total” is A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: B 6. “After the near disaster of Aduatuca in Gaul in 54 B.C., Pompey lent Caesar one of his Italian legions that had been dismissed on furlough, while Caesar granted his consent and his moral support to Pompey in the repressive measures which the latter took against the stubborn republican opposition” (Theodor Mommsen, The History of Rome) A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: B 7. “If City Council member Jones is to win the mayor’s race then she will have to be the nominee of a major party. But Jones will not be the nominee of a major party. As a result , she will not win the mayor’s race .” A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: A 8. “Soledad O’Brien is either a TV news anchor or a newspaper reporter. Since she is not a newspaper reporter, it follows that she is a TV news anchor. A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: A 9. “Independent trade union officials in southwestern Poland announced plans today for a general strike on Monday, and workers throughout the country were asked to stage one-hour stoppages to back demands for independent farmers’ unions” is A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: B 10. “I predict that the natural gas industry will be the next target of deregulation , for although the White House isn’t ready to recommend it yet, recent statements by public officials point to gas deregulation.” A) an argument B) a non-argument Answer: A
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