
1920s Tension Dbq

Satisfactory Essays

Lucy Burnhams
15 April 2015

1920’s DBQ

The 1920’s was a time of riches and brought a new age of commercialization to the United States. Traditional views clashed against the modern views the twenties inherited and therefore caused tensions between new and old ideas. The 1920’s tensions lied under religious, social, and political issues that sparked reform and advanced technology. Religious tensions in the 1920s were mainly between evolutionist and fundamentalist standpoints. With the growth of science and modern thinking in the United States caused the tension between both views. Fundamentalists viewed the bible literally, where as evolutionists believe in the theory of evolution. The Scopes Trial (Doc C) shows the tensions between the new, modern, scientific background and the traditional views. The idea that mankind had evolved from monkeys and the idea that men were put on earth by god are two completely different views yet both were held during the 1920s and still are today. This created a tension between the new way of thinking and …show more content…

In the 1920’s women began to take more of a stand in politics and gained more jobs and rights. Women took stands on political issues (Doc G) and it became increasingly more accepted for women to wear shorter skirts, smoke, and work alongside men like Jeanette Ranking. “Flappers” were seen for the first time and supported the youthful attitude of the 20s and clashed with the old views of women and the idea of the “cult of domesticity”. With women gaining rights and holding more jobs divorce rates grew over the 1920s and marriages went down (Doc H). Women felt more liberated and went against the traditional views that a woman should marry early and work to maintain a family for the rest of her life. This shows a way that through political reform women became more equal with men and caused new vs. old

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