
204 Cert Essay examples

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204 Cert.1 - Know how to recognise signs of abuse. 1.1a - Define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse Hitting, slapping, pushing or kicking, forcing people to eat or take medication, leaving people to sit in urine or faeces. 1.1b - Define the following types of abuse: Sexual abuse Unwanted advances, indecent exposure or harassment, rough washing or touching of the genital area, rape, being forced to watch or participate in sexual acts. 1.1c - Define the following types of abuse: Emotional/psychological abuse Intimidation, not being included, being ignored, threats, bullying, humiliating and blaming. These include discrimination that relates to age, race, gender, sexuality, culture, religion etc. 1.1d - Define the …show more content…

2.1 - . Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused. The actions to take constitute the employee’s responsibilities in responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse. Always follow policies and procedures and report to the appropriate person(s), record the facts on appropriate paperwork, listen do not judge, stay calm and collected, and do not tamper with evidence. 2.2 - . Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused. The key things you MUST do if an individual discloses abuse to you: Assume the individual is telling the truth. Speak to them in a calm and sensitive way. Listen carefully and make sure you record what was said including date, time and place. Reassure the individual and tell them that you have to pass this information on. Always follow your policies and procedures. If the individual needs medical attention, call the emergency services or call a doctor as appropriate and inform your supervisor / manager immediately or another available senior person. If this is a criminal matter, for example, an alleged assault, rape or indecent exposure, you will need to call the police and if in any doubt consult your policies and procedures or contact your supervisor / manager immediately or another available senior person. 2.3 - Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved. In most circumstances you may

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