
3.9.2 Avoidance Of Harm?

Satisfactory Essays

3.9.1 Informed consent
Written and informed consent and assent was obtained from all parties concerned (the college and the adolescents) informing them before beginning the process, of what the research would involve and that they were free to withdraw at any stage without any consequences.

3.9.2 Avoidance of harm

Participants were thoroughly informed beforehand about the potential impact of the investigation. During the interview process caution was taken in order to do little to no harm to the participants and it was emphasized that the participant could withdraw from the study at any stage and did not have to answer any questions they were uncomfortable with.

3.9.3 The right to anonymity and confidentiality
`The participant’s right …show more content…

The college did not receive specific feedback on each individual participant, but rather general feedback. The data, both in the printed and electronic formats, will be stored safely for five years before secure disposal.

This chapter presented the research design for addressing the research questions guiding this study. This chapter detailed the design of the research. Research design, sampling process, data collection and analysis were the main aspects that were detailed. The study was conducted by making use of a questionnaire.

Suitable methods were individually considered for quantitative and qualitative processes. The questionnaire was used to obtain quantitative and qualitative data.

Two EFA’s were conducted to ascertain validity and item analysis was done to assess the reliability of the different constructs in the questionnaire via Cronbach’s Alpha values. Ethical issues were addressed to main the anonymity of the participants and their contribution to the study. The data obtained from the questionnaires will be analysed and presented in the next

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