
8th Century Denmark Research Paper

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Denmark became a country as early as the eighth century but the normal people aka the Danes were there at around 500 AD. In the 9th century the Danes were in the viking age where they first settled and discovered Iceland. There great shipbuilding and navigation skills helped them conquer parts of France, Ireland, and the British isles. around 1332 after the horrible ruling of Christopher the second they country was ruled by counts. After one died, Valdemar became king and reunited the nation back together. The daughter of Valdemar, Margaret the first married Hakon the sixth to attempt to join the kingdoms. In 1387 she ruled Denmark Norway and Sweden and united them together to make the Kalmar union in 1397. After her death,her successor Eric …show more content…

The Swedish Dutch fleet destroyed 80% of the Danish fleet in the battle of Femern. The destruction of the fleet insured there defeat. Denmark gave Sweden Jemtland,Herjedalen,Alvdalen,Gotland and Osel. In the second Northern war when Denmark-Norway warred Sweden, it was horrible. First off the Netherlands did not want to help Denmark because it was the one that declared war. The belts froze in the winter of 1657-1658 having Charles X Gustav of Sweden to invade Zealand having his army go through the ice. In the end Denmark-Norway lost and gave up all of eastern Denmark. Charles Gustav wanted to wipe out Denmark and Unite Scandinavia after 3 months of the peace treaty being signed and lead a army outside Copenhagen. The danish did not panic, instead they prepared to fight for there country. The Netherlands aided Denmark in defending Copenhagen and they saved the capital from being taken. After the attempted takeover, Brandenburg-Prussia, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Habsburg monarchy sent large forces to Denmark to aid them against Sweden in 1659. In 1666 Charles Gustav died of a disease and it made peace in the treaty of Copenhagen where the Swedes returned Trondelag to Norway and Bornholm to Denmark and kept whatever they had

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