
A Brief Note On Technique And Stop Negative Thoughts

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One Technique To Stop Negative Thoughts
A while back I was thinking some negative (and quite stupid) thoughts, and I stopped to reflect on the time I was wasting stuck in a negative state. The question, "How do I get out of this negative mood?" kept rolling around in my head - in between my long line of negative thoughts.

Meditation came to mind.

Distraction came to mind.

Having a nap came to mind.

But, the thought - "Are these thoughts really that important?" also came to mind.

And that led me to think about what is really important in life. So I asked myself, "What do you really want to remember most about life?" The answer that came helped me instantly get out of my negative state, relax, and focus on important things instead of negative things.

Just that one answer helped me remember what my goal is in life, why I get up every morning, and most importantly - how I really want to use my valuable time (and it wasn 't being focused on useless things!)

And ever since then, I 've used that question and my answer as a technique to help me shake off the bad thoughts, let go of a bad mood, and focus on what really matters.

So, if you are focused on negative things, experiences, or people - then trying asking yourself the following question 'If my memory was wiped clean, except for one thing, what would I want to remember? '

Use your answer to help you rebalance and start using every precious moment the best you can.

You will be surprised at how acknowledging what

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