
A Christmas Carol Scrooge Essay

Decent Essays

Once, Nikos Kazantzakis, a Greek writer, said, “Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.” Some people may think that you can only look at things in one perspective, your own. Unfortunately, in the play A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge believes just this. Scrooge believes that the way he looks at life, at the poor, is the right way to look at life. He does not know that there is more than one way to look at life, most of all he believes there is only one correct way to look at reality. He is self-centered and unable to be sympathetic and has empathy. With the help of three Christmas spirits and his dead business partner Jacob Marley, Scrooge blossoms into a kind-hearted man. Realizing what type of person he was Scrooge is determined to change his future and become a new man and he does.
In the beginning, Scrooge was an unkind man. He did not care for others nor did he treat people equally. When Scrooge spoke to Fred, his nephew, he was rude and ungrateful. Fred invited Scrooge to dinner and he rudely declined. Even …show more content…

He is no longer an unkind man who did not care for people, he welcomes the Spirit of Christmas Future with open arms. Scrooge was eager to learn how to be a nice man, in seeing what people thought about him he decided to change. Spirit of Christmas Future has no face and no voice and is covered in a black robe, you can’t put a face or a voice on anything that doesn't exist yet. Spirit of Christmas Future has an intent, an intent to change Scrooge. When Scrooge finally changes his ways it’s when the Spirit of Christmas Future is showing Scrooge his grave. The spirit is pointing at the grave but then Scrooge says, “Is this what will happen or what may happen?” Then, the finger starts to waver and shake, eventually, Scrooge vows to change and become a kinder more caring man. Scrooge is a changed man the is kind and caring and even donates turkeys to families in

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