
A Critical Examination Of System Theory, Everyday Creativity, And Ethics And Creativity Essay

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Adapt or Die: A Critical Examination of System Theory, Everyday Creativity, and Ethics and Creativity
Who is a creative individual? What are the acceptable limits under which she or he can exhibit and practice creativity? Is creativity a moral or amoral concept? A creative individual is one who is able to adapt to everyday challenges through ingenious ideas and focused actions. As a specie, we are where we are today because of everyday creativity, not necessarily due to big ideas alone. Of the countless art forms and practices that have been created, cuisines, fashions, architecture, healthcare, medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, fisheries etc., few were eminently created. Everyday Joe Blow creates majority of art forms and practices that affects our day-to-day living.
Csikszentmihalyi (1996) asserted that creativity is not merely new and valuable ideas or actions. There has to be a form of sociocultural evaluation for new ideas and actions to be deemed creative, and measured against acceptable standards with the field (1996). I contend with Csikszentmihalyi assertion because it subjects the works of the creative individual to peer review; more importantly to their approval. Notwithstanding my reservation, one thing is clear sociocultural evaluation (or peer review and approval), is important because it sets parameters or socially acceptable limits for the practice of creativity.
Any creativity that falls outside prescribed social limits or standards

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