
A Decrease in Unemployment Rates

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Recently, many businesses are cutting jobs and not hiring new staff in the face of higher energy and fuel prices along with a decrease in demand with retail sales for June 2013, as people have lower business confidence, means that they have less disposable income. This demand deficient was a main part of the cyclical unemployment problems experienced before this decade. (William Schomberg and Christine Murray 2013)
The sudden decrease in the value of property and the demand for it due to credit crunch has seen a significant number of construction companies and buildings create many unemployed people. Employer confidence has decreased to its lowest level for 12 years. In other words, many businesses may not hire new staff. (William Schomberg and Christine Murray 2013)
With the rise of 12,000 newly unemployed people in the recent quarter, the government has seen the end of unemployment falls. This seems to continue into the near future, with no relief yet prominent in the issues of less demand and decreased consumer spending. Further, more people are continuing to lose their jobs and this will only cause the reduction in spending power of families, decrease money in the economy and increase in reliance upon the state. (William Schomberg and Christine Murray 2013)
The recent government has successfully allowed the unemployment to fall slowly and steadily over the past decade. However, there have been large changes observed in the nature of unemployment and also

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