
A Hero As A Hero In The Epic Of Beowulf

Decent Essays

Beowuf is an Old English epic that reflects the cultural values of Anglo Saxons Anglo Saxon beliefs are shown through Beowulfs actions throughout the epic. His actions defined him as a great hero because of the many journeys he encounters to help defend Hrothgar. One of the main Anglo Saxon beliefs illustrated in the story is thee idea of personal indebtedness. Additional beliefs that are represented are fame and fate, which are depicted through all three episodes. An element of an epic are archetypes, which are a literary devie that present a pattern of an action, character type, or an image. The archetypes that shaped Beowulf are hero as a warrior, battle between good and evil, and a devil figure. The first archetype that helped shape Beowulf is a hero as a warrior. Beowulfs courage being pushed to his limits as he uttered "I've never know fear... I am old, now, But I will fight again/ If the dragon hiding in the tower dares face me" (Beowulf ll. 2-6). His journey at such an old age to save the people from the dragon shows how great of a wrrior he is and shows how great of a hero he is. Ancient heroes have told the story of Beowulfs courage: "I mean to stand, not run from his shooting flame, stand till fate decides" (Beowulf ll. 15-16). The way he sacrafises his life as a warrior shows he will alwats be known as a hero by his people. Beowulf time was limited as he "fought with the fate against him, with glory/ and struck at the dragons scaly hide" (Beowulf ll. 64-66).

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