
A Matrix Structure : An Organization

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A matrix structure will not be successful if an organization’s employees are not trained with the ability and skills necessary to operate within the structure. Employees must have the right mindset and behaviors in order to operate in an environment that is constantly conflicted with multiple bosses and simultaneously pursuing multiple aims (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1990; Ford and Randolph, 1992). The employees need to have the same goals within the organization so there is less competition among them. For example take two teams one is in marketing and one is in development if both of them have different goals to achieve this leads to conflict among both teams creating a dysfunctional workplace. These same employees also need to know exactly what their job requires them to do. The matrix structure adds flexibility to the organization but the company needs to make sure that the responsibilities of the top executives are not the only known responsibilities, those job indicators need to be exchanged between all levels of the workforce. The flexibility the structure provides can lead to untimely decisions. This is created by the fact that the matrix structure requires input and collaboration among its staff. The employees may have trouble deciding whose’ input is needed because the interpersonal skills of the employees is lacking leading to untimely decisions that could result in a loss of quality. Or the employees may just become divisionally focused and not see the organization

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