
Research Paper On Left Handedness

Better Essays


To begin my research I had to decide on a topic. Using a lotus diagram, I came up with 9 possible enquiry areas of interest to me and narrowed this down to one by deciding which worked best and interested me most. I decided on researching left-handedness. I then had to decide on a topic within the area and influenced by my love of science I landed on my research question: ‘In what ways, physically and psychologically are right-handers different to left-handers and what causes this?’

Research Processes

After deciding on a topic I brainstormed ideas for primary and secondary sources. An obvious choice for secondary sources was the internet. There were many articles explaining left-handedness, providing theories for its occurrence and outlining differences present between left-handers and right-handers. I narrowed my search to articles directly relevant to my topic. I wanted other secondary sources (so I went onto the SA library website, where I searched for books relevant to my research question) and found 2 books that became very valuable resources: Right Hand, Left Hand by Chris McManus, a Professor of Psychology, specialising in handedness and A left hand turn around the world, by David Wolman which explained his journey to discover all he could about left-handedness. These resources provided me with diverse knowledge about the causes and history of left-handedness. Right Hand, Left Hand was especially valuable as it introduced me to Random Cerebral

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