
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Hillary Clinton

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To keep the American tradition, President Obama signed an executive order requiring the loser of the Presidential election to leave the country. Obama stated "No Matter who that loser is".

The nation has been evenly divided between Donald Trump, who is calling for dictatorial control of the country with massive tax breaks to the top 1%, and Hillary Clinton, who is calling for tax breaks for the middle class.
The battle cry for Trump is the slogan "Hillary is going to raise taxes and I'm going to cut taxes". In order to try and control the media, Trump says anyone one who challenges the media's control is sexist, racist, xenophobic and morally deformed. He must mean the indisputable king of propaganda, Fox News. The main policy Donald Trump is offering, is to do everyone a favor by getting rid of gays, trannies, blacks, Latinos, Mexicans and all other minorities. He will also use his dictatorship to get rid of any military generals that pose a threat to Russia. He is also calling for law and order by prosecuting people without a fair trial. In other words he will make America great again. …show more content…

Trump is talking about how Hillary's voting record matches republicans by close to 90% in foreign policy, and republicans hate her for being like them. Where Hillary Clinton is different lies with taxes since she will destroy the country by cutting taxes for the middle class and raising taxes on incomes higher than $250,000.00 a year, so there are funds to pay for roads and bridges, military and even money for a start up business that needs a helping hand like Trump's dad received - how else could Trumps dad have been able to make Donald a self made elite? And why should the top 1%, that own more than the bottom 99%, pay more than 12% of the taxes it takes for our country to supply the money we need to have police, fireman, courts and judges, military and corporate

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