
A Social Program Of Counties Education Efforts Here Georgia

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There are a multitude of different reasons to perform research. Research questions help researcher focus and provide organizations with the structures to make improvements. Research questions can come from a verity of people: developed by program staff, evaluators, financial backers, and other community stakeholders (Taylor-Powell, Steele, Douglah, 1996). They can help guide the researcher down the correct path of the program planning process. One focus of the research question is to facilitate conclusion about the nature of programs. It also can be used to as a guide to increase program effectives in a social program. The paradigm on which this study is purposed is that a well informed voting population is better for all aspect of society. The fundamental purpose of this paper is to evaluate and research a social program of counties education efforts here Georgia. The research question for this paper will be:
• Fulton County is seeking to answer questions about the effectiveness of their ability to provide and promote voter participation within county, and their potential for increasing voter turnout among constituents.
For the purpose of this evaluation it is hypothesized that the participants group that received voter education with participate in hire numbers in the next election.
Purpose statement Creswell, (2009) defines a purpose statement as one that “conveys the overall intent of a proposed study in a sentence or several sentences” (p. 111). One of the greatest

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