
A Team : The Beginning Of A Team

Decent Essays

No team. No coach. No chance. That was what everyone had thought of us at the beginning of the season. We were the associations charity project that they had no reason to care for. We started off what would become the greatest season of our lives with eight girls. Soon after we merged with Moundsview who was in the same situation as us. From there on we traveled the state for both practices and games. Every night we were either just down the street on our home ice at Tartan or all the way in Shoreview or Blaine practicing in Mounds View's rink. Not only did we have to travel to and from for practice but we would travel the state for our games. We skated many late nights and still managed to be successful with both our family life and …show more content…

We skate a couple laps, the blades of our skates digging into the ice with every crossover. We shoot a few pucks, listening to the smack as it rolls off your stick and the swish of it going into the net. The last thing for us to do is to mentally prepare ourselves for the challenge that stands before us. “Alright girls, this is it. This is what we’ve been working for the whole season, give it everything you’ve got and leave it all out on the ice,” Coach Erin lights a flame under us and we are ready to go, we are ready to play. I skate to center ice and look up at the bleachers, I see herds of people wearing red and white, holding up pom poms, and home made signs. Our fans are fired up and ready to watch us play. I look over and see my mom looking right at me, our eyes lock and she nods and gives me the thumbs up, I am ready to go. We line up at the center dot for the first puck drop. I am in my position, standing right across from my opponent waiting for the whistle. The referee drops the puck signaling the beginning to the greatest game of my life.
The game begins and we are buzzing. We are winning every race to the puck and every battle in the corner, the puck is in their zone for majority of the game and we are outshooting them like crazy. We start to break out of our own zone and take off down the ice, the defense pass it to Sav, she brings it up the boards, she

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