
Academic Integrity Essay

Decent Essays

ABSTRACT I came to know that academic integrity is a major thing that depends on few values like honesty and responsibility of our work. We need to make sure everything what we are doing or writing is in our own. I understand that honesty is one of the critical part of our life, might be at our classrooms, at our home, or in public. Every student in an institute or at work should follow integrity standards to keep up our long-term achievement. Academic honesty gives everyone to express their perspectives in speech or composing, few components of academic integrity are principles of academic opportunity, electronic correspondence. In my opinion, Academic integrity is being sincere with professors and institution. We will not succeed in the future by submitting other person’s work. Students should be disciplined or else they can be sent out from the university. Academic Integrity is very important for the student. I think Plagiarism plays a major role and effecting today’s academic institutions. Where, the student copies the information from the website or from their friends and cheats the teacher saying that the work has done by his own. In such cases the university plagiarism school should take care of those students and make them to know about how to not get plagiarized. plagiarism causes and effects the education in today’s world. It also deals with how to prevent and detect plagiarism. PLAGIARISM Many students are facing a lot of problems due to this plagiarism. Coming

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