
Achieving Academic Success In College

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Achieving Academic Success Academic success in College is about many things. success prepares a person for a future career and helps transition someone to an adult. Success establishes an interest in lifelong learning. College is an opportunity for a person to take charge of the direction in their life. A person is in charge of the classes they take, how much they will study, and what they will experience. Students face many challenges in college, and many of those challenges are in academic success. Students who struggle finding the time and energy feel like there is no solution to their problems. However, there are several ways for college students to improve academic success. Procrastination is a challenge that can impede academic success. Procrastination is when someone leaves everything they have to do to a later time. There are many reasons why people procrastinate. Two examples are; “I don’t feel like doing it’, and “I don’t know how.” Personally, I procrastinated all the way through senior year in high school and until my first semester in college of freshman year. I thought that procrastinating could work all the time, but over time procrastinating actually got stressful and caused me to feel down upset, I also ended up not getting the grades I wanted. so, I am trying to learn to stop and do all my work right when I get it, and break it up into parts so I can be done early and not have to worry about all the work piling up. There are many tips to

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