
Adelaide Teagan-Personal Narrative

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Adelaide Teagan - "I like your sweater." a dulcet voice compliments. I look up to see a petite girl, maybe a few inches shorter than I, shyly standing in front of me. Her wavy brown hair falls past her shoulders and framing the soft features of her cute face. Her grey eyes seem to sparkle in the slight sunlight peaking out on the chilly autumn day. She gives me a nervous look, seemingly anxious to how I will react to her comment. "Tha-thank you." I stutter, looking up from my note book. This was freshman year for me at Crystal Valley High School and I didn't have friends who attended with me, so, seeing this as a good opportunity, I decided to befriend the girl. I placed the pen inside my notebook's spiral and placed the spiral down next …show more content…

I didn't know what grade he was even in. That could be something to talk about, right? " what grade are you in?" I nervously ask. "Hmm..? Oh," he stops strumming his guitar for a moment. "I'm a freshman, 9th grade, you know. I don't supposed you'd want to hang out with me anymore, now, do you? That weird "freshman can't hang with upperclassmen" thing. Just because it'd bring down your rep, it's pretty ridicu-" "No, we're freshmen too." "Oh. Well, I've just made a complete fool out of myself. I guess..I don't know." "It's fine." Another awkward silence. But, not really. He was strumming his guitar, there were cliques and cliques of people talking in the outdoor area of our school. But, I guess it'd be an awkward silence, no talking, nothing. Then, the bell rings. I'm so awkward he probably never wants to speak to me again, I think to myself. We all immediately stand up from the bench. My eyes dart from one thing to another, worrying about what he'd think of me. "Same time tomorrow?" Zachary asks. Evangeline sneaks a smile at me. "Yeah, I-I'd like that." I say, nervously smiling. Evangeline nods in

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