
Search Engine Marketing Essay

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their views on matters like reality shows, entertainment, music, and so on. P&G’s “Capessa,” targets women to interact on matters like health, weight loss, pregnancy, etc.

Search Engine Marketing

Today, most of the companies are promoting their goods and services through websites in the internet, thus encouraging prospective customers to place orders. The competition is intense. All competitors face the challenge of first getting a prospective customer to visit their website, and then only there could be hopes of converting these prospects into actual buyers. Search engine includes a variety of well-known services that people use when seeking information. The acronym for search engine adverting, SEA, strategically places the keywords in the internet “sea” with the hope of it being found by the cyber surfers.These “keywords” are specific words that describe the nature, attributes and benefits of a marketer’s offerings. SEA also places ads exactly where potential customers are expected to search for it.

Search engine marketing promotes website by …show more content…

Irrespective of all the benefits of internet advertising it has got few challenges. Some of major limitations of online advertising are as follows:

• It only targets the audience who are tech-savvy, especially the younger generation, and thus misses out on a large number of prospective customers.
• There are many customers who are less prone to using mobiles or frequently checking messages on their cell phones or emails, hence internet advertising fail to meet its objective for such audience.
• It has implications on the privacy and the anonymity of the user, since an advertiser can track the browsing of the user.
• The customer lacks the physical touch, feel and try on the product while deciding on purchasing a product through internet advertising.

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