
Aerospace Engineering Essay

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Aerospace Engineering has paved the way for most of modern day

technologies; it has contributed to the development of stealth, reconnaissance, and

commercial aircraft, its made revolutionary breakthroughs in both fighter jet and

rocket designs including pilot/passenger safety, forever changing the outlook of

travel and modern warfare and travel. One might say; what is Aerospace

engineering? Aerospace engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the

design, development, and production of aircraft or related systems such as rockets,

spacecraft and missiles; and is closely tied to aeronautical engineering and

astronautical engineering (Aerospace Engineering).

Aerospace engineering all began with …show more content…


is the air resistance on any given object that is moving in the presence of air. In the

case of an airplane this force is controlled by the thrust vector (engine/propeller).

Using the principles of flight the Wright brothers flew the first successful airplane

that they named the “Wright Flyer” in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina during the year of

1903. It flew a distance of approximately two football fields until landing

(“Milestones of Flight”). Since the age of the Wright brothers, aerospace in itself has

grown substantially from ballistic missiles to satellites. The key principles of flight,

discovered by early engineers helped modern engineers nearly perfect design

and scrape the surface of fixed winged aircraft’s full potential. Thus pushing

engineers to extend their reach into the vastness of space far beyond what Orville

and Wilbur Wright could have possibly imagined.

In modern times the Internet is the most widely used method of

communication, its not common that people would want to know about how the

internet actually works, most would just rather click and receive instant access to

the world wide web. In terms of engineering one could consider the following

hypothesis to be logical; aerospace engineers design satellites making them durable

enough to withstand the debris in space surrounding the Earth’s atmosphere as well

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