
Analysis Of Jean TwengeHave Smartphones Destroyed A Generation

Decent Essays

Jean Twenge’s article, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?”, uses multiple points to explain how she believes smartphones are hurting the health of the post-Millennial generation. She repeatedly makes the point that this new wave of teenagers lacks an interest in gaining freedom from their parents and other restrictions in their lives. For example, Twenge wrote that post-Millennials are getting their driver's licenses significantly later than the Baby Boomer generation and often wait to get jobs until after they graduate because they don’t need to physically get away from their parents to connect online with their friends. Twenge also makes the argument that iPhones are causing an increase in depression and anxiety rates among …show more content…

Although following the brief acknowledgement of outside influences, Twenge quickly recapitulates that teens are spending more time at home (and therefore less time working or hanging out with friends) because their social lives are on the internet. Technology has undoubtedly had an impact on the generation of kids who grew up with it, but it does not necessarily mean they are taking longer to mature than previous generations. Later on in the article, Twenge explains how iPhones are affecting the lives of the new generation in another way. Along with decline in maturity, Twenge also brings up the issue of declining mental health in teenagers. She makes the assertion that cellphones are causing an increase in depression and anxiety among the latest generation of teens. Twenge briefly addresses that there is not proof of cellphones are directly causing these problems by stating “Of course, these analyses don’t unequivocally prove that screen time causes unhappiness; it’s possible that unhappy teens spend more time online.” Although she does proceed with the next sentence of the article by saying the research strongly suggests that too much screen time is indeed the cause of these problems. However, there are many other possible causes of these issues, including an increase in stress at school, family issues, drug use, and more. It is also possible that a combination of multiple triggers are simultaneously causing an increase in these troubles other than

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