
Analysis Of Michael Pollan 's Defense Of Food

Decent Essays

In his book " In Defense of Food " author Michael Pollan takes an interesting and thought

provoking journey into our contemporary nutrition. He not only breaks down the dangers of

what we currently eat, but the entire reasoning behind why. He delves into how advertising,

scientific claims (be them correct or incorrect) and even politics have changed the landscape

of nutrition, and all our eating habits as a whole. He correlates the current epidemic of major

health problems in America (obesity, heart disease, and cancer) to our diets and the all of the

food we eat causing them.

" If you are concerned about your health, you probably should avoid products that make

health claims. Why? Because a health claim of a food product is a strong indication that It 's

not really food"

This statement made by Pollan in his introduction opens his criticism of the current state of

our eating habits and psyche. We have become more concerned about everything that is in

food, more than the actual food itself. I know for a fact I have this problem as I today bought

Fat Free pudding to try and limit my daily fat intake. We have been programmed over the last

decade that fat is the enemy and is the root cause for all of our obesity in America. While at

the same time this Fat Free pudding has absurd amounts of more sugar than its normal Fat

laden brother. I know from taking this Nutrition class now that I 'm more aware of such things,

but having "FAT FREE is better"drilled into my

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