
Analysis Of The Glass Castle By Jeanette Walls

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In The Glass Castle, Jeanette Walls was faced with many life changing and hard obstacles. Many people who have read this book think that these hardships have helped her later in life. Her parents were never there for her when she was growing up. Her dad was a raging alcoholic who spent all of his money away at the bars. Her mom was intelligent, but still never seemed to help much with Jeanette and her siblings. Even though her parents were not much help, she loved them the same no matter what. When Jeanette was younger, she was constantly bullied at her new schools, but never went home and told on the kids her had beat her up. She stood up for herself even if she knew she had no chance at winning the fight. This showed how brave and strong …show more content…

I still went over there two days a week and every other weekends, but to me that was not enough. I would always ask my mom if I could go over there on the days that I was not supposed to be and she would say yes because she knew how much I liked to spend time with him. My dad is a truck driver and every Sunday he would have a daily run to Dayton, and I would always want to get up with him and make the haul there. This is one of my favorite memories because this is something only I did with him. I think because of this arranged schedule and my busy plans as a teenager, it made it challenging for us to relate to one another after awhile. My mom and dad eventually started dating new people. My dad’s girlfriend, Winnie, was the first girl that I have ever liked that my dad dated. She has four kids, one being my age so I thought that was the coolest thing ever. They were all so nice and sweet. I even grew a bond with my dad’s girlfriend. We would go shopping together, and I would even go to her kids sporting events and watch them. Five years later, my dad ruined it for me. She had asked my dad to move out because she does not want to deal with his alcoholic antics anymore. She could not handle the stress it was putting on her. I was actually surprised that she stayed with him this long because my dad was mean when he was drunk, but somehow she put up with him and his attitude. I was mad at him for ruining this relationship for himself and even me and my siblings. Jeanette said in The Glass Castle,"Dad kept telling me that he loved me, that he never would have let me drown, but you can't cling to the side your whole life, that one lesson every parent needs to teach a child is 'If you dodn't watn to sink, you better figure out how to swim” (Walls 66). This quote describes exactly how my dad thought and treated me as a child, but not as brutal as Rex was to

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