
Analysis Of The Novel ' Uncle Tom 's Cabin '

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According to Annette Gordon-Reed, It is common for people to look at women’s novels and not take them seriously, especially in that time. “Jane Smiley, in a controversial essay, asked why Stowe’s novel has been more harshly treated than works written by men which are just as dated and offensive in their treatment of race, notably, Huckleberry Finn.” (Annette Gordon-Reed). I believe that Stowe’s novel was taken seriously as a woman’s novel. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was very influential in that time period, and still is today. The novel is commonly noted as a big influence that began the Civil War, and people still refer to it today. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is used very commonly today as a reference to slavery and the time period, and in many literature courses throughout high school and college. It is also stated in this critique that, “As a woman, Stowe had no hope of making a statue” (Annette Gordon-Reed). I disagree with this statement as well. Although women, along with blacks, were suppressed in that time period, there were many influential women in that time period that made a ‘statue’ for themselves, or a name. Hollis Robbins wrote the second critique that I chose for Uncle Tom’s Cabin. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin is at heart a typical nineteenth-century melodrama of cruelty, suffering, religious devotion, broken homes, and improbable reunions” (Hollis Robbins). This critique is very harsh, and points the novel as “the best bad book of the age”. The most significant quote from the critic

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