
Analysis of Bertrand Russell´s The Problems of Philosphy Essay

Decent Essays

The philosopher Bertrand Russell in his work, “The Problems of Philosophy,” comes to some conclusions of the truth of objects in our world. Through questioning certain ideas and problems in our world, he breaks down what can know what really exists in the world and what does not. Russell, an empiricist, believes that through our sensory perception of our environment. However, our own individual perception can be skewed, and therefore is susceptible to err. Russell gives an example of three people, one is color blind, one is sick, and one is inebriated sick, and one is inebriated, and ask them to describe the same chair, they will all give you slightly different answers. Then if you take that chair and put it behind a …show more content…

This consistency proposes to Russell, that we, at least, must have faith in the reality of a single, specific, real chair. To this commonsensible belief, he also goes on to propose the idea that real objects cause the sense data we intake, so therefore must be related to them in a certain noteworthy way. So from this what can we believe and not believe to exist? Well first of all we can believe that, if we are looking at the chair, we can conclude the object itself is real, there is a chair there. Our senses take in the sense data of a chair, four legs, a back rest, etc. We then take this data and use our prior knowledge of other chair like things, and we can come to the solution of the object we are looking at is a chair. This logic applies to all objects in such a manner. However we cannot truly believe that certain things truly exists. Such as the fact that we cannot truly believe the existence of certain characteristics of an objects when it’s subject outside influence, such as a chair in water. To the naked eye, the chair would look distorted, but it is not so, the water distorts our perception of the chair, therefore deceiving our view of the reality of the characteristics of the chair. In conclusion, Russell gives us an answer to the question, if our senses can be easily deceived and tricked into perceiving and reality that is false, how can we believe it

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