
Animal Farm

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Animal Farm by George Orwell, an allegorical reflection of the Russian Revolution, was quite the opposite of my average read. Opening up a novel about a dystopian society ruled by animals gave me a whole new perspective about equal rights. The animals in this book endured so many difficulties that could’ve been avoided if humans weren’t the most dominate species. Which is why I can understand where they’re coming from. Who wouldn’t want to rebel against something so unjust? Any activity we do impacts the planet more than any other kind, so the animals in this story did have a right to find that unfair. Though some characters blew it out of proportion. It makes one think, “How come we humans are given the upper hand and animals are forced …show more content…

After their farmer Jones was overthrown, these three pigs and their comrades attempted to rid the farm of any accessories made for animals by throwing them in a fire. In chapter two, when asked if ribbons were allowed, Snowball responded, “Ribbons should be considered as clothes, which are the mark of a human being. All animals should go naked.” For some time after this was stated, animals went bare. However, in chapter ten, Napoleon and the other pigs contradicted this concept, wearing clothes from Mr. Jones’s wardrobe. It states, “Napoleon himself appearing in a black coat, ratcatcher breeches, and leather leggings, while his favorite sow appeared in the watered silk dress in which Mrs. Jones wore on Sundays.” Technically, the pigs did not go against the third commandment they created that read, “No animal shall wear clothes” because it no longer existed. Instead there was only a single commandment that stated, “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” So rather than all animals being fair, the pigs received special treatment while the others continued to suffer. Which is the same as when Jones was around, because he made all the animals do the harsh labor while he kept all the proceeds for himself, living in a lovely house and drinking loads of alcohol. The pigs were even walking around on their hind legs like him, and engaging in business with humans. The difference between them was unrecognizable, as indicated on the final page. At this point Napoleon never realized that his mentality was equivalent to Jones’s and that he was no better at controlling the farm than he was. They made the same selfish choices and filled the residents of Animal Farm with

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