
Animal Farm: An Allegory of Russian History Essay

Decent Essays

Animal Farm is an allegory of the period in Russian history between 1917 and 1944. It is a satirical story written in the form of an animal fable. In writing Animal Farm as a fable, George Orwell is able to present his subject in simple symbolic terms by treating the development of communism as a story that is taking place on a single farm with talking animals. The characters of Animal Farm represent figures in Russian history during the Russian Revolution. Places, objects, and events of the Russian Revolution are also symbolized in Animal Farm. One of the main characters of Animal Farm is an allegorical parallel of Joseph Stalin. Napoleon is the pig that emerges as the leader of Animal Farm after the Rebellion. He represents …show more content…

This phenomenon is not unique to Russia or Animal Farm: it happens throughout the world. Governments have done similar things to improve their standing by blaming an invisible enemy. The purges and show trials with which Stalin eliminated his enemies and cemented his power mirrors the false confessions and executions of animals that Napoleon distrusts after the windmill collapse. Stalin’s tyrannical rule and abandonment of the founding principles of the Russian Revolution are represented by Napoleon’s turn to violent government and the adoption of human traits and behaviours. Animal Farm symbolizes Russia and the Soviet Union under communist party rule. But more generally, Animal Farm stands for any human society, be it capitalist, socialist, fascist, or communist. It possesses the internal structure of a nation, with a government (the pigs), a police force or army (the dogs), and a working class (other animals). Its location amidst a number of hostile neighbouring farms supports its symbolism as Russia. The Farmhouse in the story is a symbol of the Kremlin. The Kremlin is home of the Tsar (Mr. Jones). After the revolution, there were some that wanted to destroy the farmhouse, but it was decided to preserve it as a museum. The Kremlin was saved in a similar manner. Eventually Napoleon (Stalin) decided to take up residence there. Orwell uses the farmhouse to show the difference in authority

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